Scriptures applied out of context. Thanks for playing!
You can misconstrue the bible however you like. It still says what it says. It's unfortunate your hatred of liberal politicians supercedes your Christianity.
I'm glad this was moved from the Fellowship Hall, so thank you to whoever did that. It'll still be seen but, at least, by fewer. What an embarrassing thread.
Acts 23 - BHO is NOT my High Priest, which is the subject of this verse.
Romans 13 - I am subject to the laws and leaders and give due to whom its due.
1 Tim 2 - Says to pray "for kings, and for all that are in authority," which I do
Exodus 22 - OT Law, not applicable. You say it is, I say so are the thousands of other verses, including Deuteronomy 22 which includes not wearing clothes of diverse threads, etc.
1 Peter 2 - I do honour BHO, per the definition here "Honour (from the Latin word honos) is the evaluation of a person's trustworthiness and social status based on that individual's espousals and actions."
Love the replies though...
You know this was originally written by a Union President and had a Republican Governor's name on it.
Hilarious to see the furor when it's edited to have BHO's name instead....
You can misconstrue the bible however you like. It still says what it says. It's unfortunate your hatred of liberal politicians supercedes your Christianity.
Go read the scriptures that were posted before blindly commenting, then tell me why they'd apply. They don't.
I posted why I did this in my last post. I don't have hatred. I wanted to see what would happen when this was edited to use BHO's name instead of a Republican Governor who was named by a liberal Union President.
You have no idea my intent nor my character - don't attempt to try.
Before you try and assassinate my character and ignorantly assume that I'm posting this out of hatred, idiocy, etc ...
This was circulated by a liberal Union President with the name of a Republican Governor instead of BHO's name. I wanted to see the reaction (and boy did I get some good one's) of people here.
It's interesting, NoW, you call my christianity, intent and character into question (without so much as asking why I posted this) but obviously ignore the vitriol and venom you yourself used against me.
Yea theres something in the bible about loving one another too soo N.O.W I think the Christian thing to do would be to appologize casue we can't be hating have to love one another per
Go read the scriptures that were posted before blindly commenting, then tell me why they'd apply. They don't.
I posted why I did this in my last post. I don't have hatred. I wanted to see what would happen when this was edited to use BHO's name instead of a Republican Governor who was named by a liberal Union President.
You have no idea my intent nor my character - don't attempt to try.
Post it again with any politicians name....I don't care, put Jessie Ventura there, it doesn't matter. I'm very a-political, which you obviously aren't. Your excuses are a blithering pile of dung.
I absolutely can judge your intent. I don't really care about your character, but you occasionally reveals pieces of it with your anti-liberal hate rhetoric.