I thought this was already the case. Every time someone finds a hair at a crime scene they are able to, often within minutes, find the identity of the perp. At least on CSI and NCIS.
This is true for those who are already in the system due to a previous arrest... even on CSI & NCIS.
If they run the DNA or fingerprint and do not get a match they often say that they are not in the system and this means they have not been arrested for anything yet.
This is true for those who are already in the system due to a previous arrest... even on CSI & NCIS.
If they run the DNA or fingerprint and do not get a match they often say that they are not in the system and this means they have not been arrested for anything yet.
I was of course being a bit sarcastic.
VERY few people, perp or otherwise are in any searchable DNA database yet. Also, it currently takes 4 weeks to 6 months to get results back from a search -not minutes or hours as seen on most crime shows.
Even fingerprint searches can take multiple days, not the seconds it usually takes on the computer monitor in Abby's lab.
VERY few people, perp or otherwise are in any searchable DNA database yet. Also, it currently takes 4 weeks to 6 months to get results back from a search -not minutes or hours as seen on most crime shows.
Even fingerprint searches can take multiple days, not the seconds it usually takes on the computer monitor in Abby's lab.
Yes sir. I understood that.
While we are on the subject... I think shows like CSI & NCIS do a lot to desensitize us to the concept of all of our records being on a government database to be searched at the drop of a hat.
On the show they routinely access (in seconds) their credit card statements, phone records, DNA, fingerprints, employment records etc.
This is not even in place and, hopefully, not even legal without a warrant but these shows go a long way in making these things seem acceptable and even routine. To the point that anyone who would oppose legislation to make these things reality seem out of touch and behind the times.
While we are on the subject... I think shows like CSI & NCIS do a lot to desensitize us to the concept of all of our records being on a government database to be searched at the drop of a hat.
On the show they routinely access (in seconds) their credit card statements, phone records, DNA, fingerprints, employment records etc.
This is not even in place and, hopefully, not even legal without a warrant but these shows go a long way in making these things seem acceptable and even routine. To the point that anyone who would oppose legislation to make these things reality seem out of touch and behind the times.
VERY few people, perp or otherwise are in any searchable DNA database yet. Also, it currently takes 4 weeks to 6 months to get results back from a search -not minutes or hours as seen on most crime shows.
Even fingerprint searches can take multiple days, not the seconds it usually takes on the computer monitor in Abby's lab.
And that facial recognition program is awesome! Got security video with your suspect (a smudge in one frame) from 1000 yards away? No problem. "Enhance" a shot of a face. Search. Voila! You get the guy's name!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
And that facial recognition program is awesome! Got security video with your suspect (a smudge in one frame) from 1000 yards away? No problem. "Enhance" a shot of a face. Search. Voila! You get the guy's name!
Don't even get me started on image enhancement as seen on CSI! UGH!
Whenever they get a smudge picture of a license plate and hit one button which reveals all the number in perfect clarity, I can't help but think "If I had this system, the first thing I would use it on is every single frame of the famous Patterson Sasquatch film and solve the mystery once and for all!"
Can you imagine what we could finally see in this picture that we can't now??!!
Last edited by RandyWayne; 02-05-2010 at 12:53 PM.
Don't even get me started on image enhancement as seen on CSI! UGH!
Whenever they get a smudge picture of a license plate and hit one button which reveals all the number in perfect clarity, I can't help but think "If I had this system, the first thing I would use it on is every single frame of the famous Patteron Sasquatch film and solve the mystery once and for all!"
Well, this may surprise some here but I think everyone's DNA should be on file.
This could be cross referenced with a social security number which would be issued at birth and stored in an international database.
Whenever a crime is committed and DNA is gathered, it could be checked against the international data base and the perp would be identified.
Kinda scary, isn't it?
Probably don't have the quote correct, ut it goes something like this:
"Those who would trade freedom for security may soon find they have neither."