Originally Posted by deadeye
Nope....absolutely not....i beleive that only those that are born again of the Water and Spirit are going to be in the Bride of Christ.....be they UPC, ALJC, ACI, PAW, GIB, etc....
Ah, I am guessing you are one of those people who believe in taking
Acts 2:38 literally, that we must literally repent, literally be immersed in literal water with the literal name of Jesus literally spoken over us and that we must literally receive the literal Holy Ghost accompanied by the literal sign of speaking in tongues in order to partake in Salvation.
You probably even believe the the CROSS was what opened these things up to us and that obedience to the instructions and examples of the apostles is the natural fruit of belief in the power of the Lord Jesus to save us through the power of the Cross.
Might even belive that the book of Romans was written to the church, not the unregenerate.
Anyway, I believe all that. Have to say it once in awhile.