It's as simple as God being able to do things that would require human beings to be two persons to do anything remotely close, when He is only One. He is God. Not a limited human. It really is simple on that basis. HOW He does it is what is not simple.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
OK. So, your Lord is Jesus Christ. And your Lord has a God, to whom He is subject. And these two, um, entities (trying not to use the p-word in the plural!), Jesus Christ and Jesus the Father, are the same Person? Am I getting this right?
Timmy gets it!!! I so wanna start using that phrase next time I go to church. "Praise the God of our Lord Jesus Christ!" I wonder how many stares I'll get. Then I can kindly point out that this phrase can be found in the bible and I bet I'll get some really puzzled looks.
God defies human definition, just when you think you have Him figured out he pops out of the box.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Timmy gets it!!! I so wanna start using that phrase next time I go to church. "Praise the God of our Lord Jesus Christ!" I wonder how many stares I'll get. Then I can kindly point out that this phrase can be found in the bible and I bet I'll get some really puzzled looks.
Paul used it, so why shouldn't you?
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
I didn't say I shouldn't, only that I think it would sound strange for oneness people to hear. Ya know, cause they constantly talk about Jesus being God. In fact I don't ever recall once hearing from them that Jesus Christ had a God.
I didn't say I shouldn't, only that I think it would sound strange for oneness people to hear. Ya know, cause they constantly talk about Jesus being God. In fact I don't ever recall once hearing from them that Jesus Christ had a God.
Yeah, but Jesus himself told us to no longer ask him anything in prayer, rather to pray to the Father in Jesus Name. My late father, UPC pastor for over 50 years, prayed to the Father in Jesus Name, he was "oneness" to his core, but he still obeyed scripture. Jesus also, personally prayed by calling on the Father.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
I do have another question on the topic. I remember a story about Jesus asking how David referred to Christ as Lord since he was his seed. I always took that to be a reference to his divine nature. But, maybe when David referred to him as Lord it had nothing to do with his divine nature just like Lord in the verse about Jesus Christ having a God has nothing to do with his divine nature. Don't have any idea on what it could be right now though. Any ideas?
Timmy gets it!!! I so wanna start using that phrase next time I go to church. "Praise the God of our Lord Jesus Christ!"
Oh, that phrase. I thought you meant "Timmy gets it!!"
I wonder how many stares I'll get. Then I can kindly point out that this phrase can be found in the bible and I bet I'll get some really puzzled looks.
While you're at it, say "Praise the three who bear record in heaven!!"
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
It's as simple as God being able to do things that would require human beings to be two persons to do anything remotely close, when He is only One. He is God. Not a limited human. It really is simple on that basis. HOW He does it is what is not simple.
What's so wrong with calling these three entities that God simlultaneously is, who talk with each other, have different desires (not my will but thine be done), beget each other, give each other to the world, send each other, submit to each other, etc., "persons"? If God does things that "would require human beings to be two persons", how can Oneness people get so bent out of shape when people read about it and say, oh look, two persons? The Father and Son are depicted as two persons in the Bible! And yet some Oneness folks say the Trinity doctrine was not derived from the Bible. Oh no, it's a doctrine of demons!
Weird. (IMO )
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty