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Old 10-08-2009, 05:52 AM
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
When the generals say they need mor etroops....you give them more troops. This is the problem with having an anti-military community organizer in charge.

Politics should be ignored when it comes to the militay. Tell the politicians to shut up and let the military guys make the decisions. If we would let the militry do what they do best, this thing would have been over already.
Politicians has been controlling the military since Korea and that is a disaster.
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Old 10-08-2009, 06:51 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Originally Posted by Jason View Post

are you ever going to lose the Obama-colored glasses and start dealing with reality?
to have 50,000 Muslims surrounding the U.S. Capitol for Jummah prayer last Friday ...

Obama has these prayer meetings to allah PBUH With the enemy.

Mike is not educated enough to know the military, political and religious activities are not separable.

Christians know the Muslims can hide in Mosques and save the money of building bunkers. The multipurpose Mosqu wors as a military structure. They shooot rockets from school.

Obama wants to kill by using drones. So that destroys a lot of women and children

Men on the ground can burst open a Mosque and shoot only the soldiers. It risks our lives to try to protect their women and kids.

Code Pink leftists don't understand we are helping them fight for liberty.
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Old 10-08-2009, 07:17 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
I took you off ignore after your absence to see if you could have a civil discussion, but alas, you can't. This IS NOT a Democrat, Republican thread coadie. I could pontificate on and on about 8 years of failings of the Bush administration, but that doesn't do anything to solve the problem we're faced with now.

I'm discussing solutions and the way forward. This is MUCH MORE important than silly political gotcha's coadie. Either talk about the situation sensibly or back to ignore you go.
So code Pink and Mike are flipp floopping because of the ONE????

You aren't strong enough to explain why we are now looking at the middle east from a political perspective and no longer a military one.

You still can't explain why Obama voted against the surge and it worked and now he wants to hobble the troops.

The liberals have no objectives. They are just waving swords in the wind.
Obama is still upset because M
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Old 10-08-2009, 07:48 AM
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Yes. Surge or leave. It is that simple. We can win Afghanistan. it requires taking and holding territory. It requries working with the people to make their lives safe. Like we did in Iraq.

If we are going to wring our hands and sit back and not make the hard decisions (which is what it looks like we are doing...) or if we are going to repeat the stratigy of vietnam which was kill bad guys and then pull back. We will lose.
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Old 10-08-2009, 08:19 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
I'm interested in what the opinions are on this. I'm not certain what I support as of now. I've thought and read a lot on the subject, but I'm not sure that it's worth the investment of 40K troops.

Is capturing or killing the Taliban the same or as important as capturing or killing Al-qaeda?

Do you believe we can be successful given other's past military endeavors there?

Is "boots on the ground" the very best way to fight al-qaeda in Afghanistan?

Interested to hear thoughts....
Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
This IS NOT a Democrat, Republican thread coadie.
All bias aside, this IS a Democrat/Republican issue. The Democrats, fundamentaly, cannot operate a war. Look at the complete and total mess Obama is creating.

I know, I know, you don't like people disagreeing with your beloved leader. The one's who do are mean, nasty racists ...

While BHO is running around checking the polls and temperature of his friends at moveon.org, huffingtonpost, dailykos and other liberal political pacs ... military leaders are growing impatient and soldiers and losing morale and lives.

BHO is NOT a military man. He has no clue what's going on in Afghanistan. For crying out loud, he's only spoken with the general in charge twice ... once in July when BHO put him in that position and for all of 25 minutes when BHO went to Denmark to lobby for his cronies in Chicago for the Olympic games.

It's telling when the President spends more time in front of the Olympic committee than he does with a General in charge of a major war.

BHO needs to let the military do what the military does best ... or else he will create another Vietnam. It will be the result of BHO's ridiculous posturing and indecisiveness that will cause more soldiers to lose their lives.

Don't blame this on Bush. Bush had his faults in this war, don't get me wrong. It should have ended in Tora Bora, but it failed and caused the war to continue. However, from January when BHO got into office, til now and thru the end ... this is BHO's war. He has the full might of the US military at his disposal; he has a General who he hand-picked to lead - who's given BHO his plan of action and strategy to end the war ... there is no reason BHO should be wasting time playing politics.

He waits too much longer and he'll risk losing the support of the military altogether.
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Old 10-08-2009, 08:27 AM
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
I'm interested in what the opinions are on this. I'm not certain what I support as of now. I've thought and read a lot on the subject, but I'm not sure that it's worth the investment of 40K troops.

Is capturing or killing the Taliban the same or as important as capturing or killing Al-qaeda?

Do you believe we can be successful given other's past military endeavors there?

Is "boots on the ground" the very best way to fight al-qaeda in Afghanistan?

Interested to hear thoughts....
I am understanding that many think ground troops being a presence have more impact as they can actually interact with the Afghan people. That is what they say helped them in Iraq. Drones, etc. would not allow that and may not be the most effective way to go.

I do agree and that's my take on what we should do further - bring in more troops and let the military work it - not the politicians, but we know - good luck with that!
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Old 10-08-2009, 08:35 AM
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Originally Posted by n david View Post
All bias aside, this IS a Democrat/Republican issue. The Democrats, fundamentaly, cannot operate a war. Look at the complete and total mess Obama is creating.

I know, I know, you don't like people disagreeing with your beloved leader. The one's who do are mean, nasty racists ...

While BHO is running around checking the polls and temperature of his friends at moveon.org, huffingtonpost, dailykos and other liberal political pacs ... military leaders are growing impatient and soldiers and losing morale and lives.

BHO is NOT a military man. He has no clue what's going on in Afghanistan. For crying out loud, he's only spoken with the general in charge twice ... once in July when BHO put him in that position and for all of 25 minutes when BHO went to Denmark to lobby for his cronies in Chicago for the Olympic games.

It's telling when the President spends more time in front of the Olympic committee than he does with a General in charge of a major war.

BHO needs to let the military do what the military does best ... or else he will create another Vietnam. It will be the result of BHO's ridiculous posturing and indecisiveness that will cause more soldiers to lose their lives.

Don't blame this on Bush. Bush had his faults in this war, don't get me wrong. It should have ended in Tora Bora, but it failed and caused the war to continue. However, from January when BHO got into office, til now and thru the end ... this is BHO's war. He has the full might of the US military at his disposal; he has a General who he hand-picked to lead - who's given BHO his plan of action and strategy to end the war ... there is no reason BHO should be wasting time playing politics.

He waits too much longer and he'll risk losing the support of the military altogether.
You'll have to peddle that bill of goods to some uninformed sheep somewhere. GWB's and the Rumsfeld led defense department were miserable failures and took their eye off of Afghanistan and that's why we actually possess LESS ground now than we did 8 years ago after removing the Taliban from the high offices.

Afghanistan has nothing to do with Democrats inability to lead military operations. That's ridiculous.
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Last edited by MikeinAR; 10-08-2009 at 08:43 AM.
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Old 10-08-2009, 08:42 AM
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

First of all I agree with a lot of what's been said. There's no debate who needs to make operational decisions in a war. That should solely be the military generals jobs and should be supported by politicians.

What I think may need to be redefined is the goal/mission of Afghanistan. That most certainly is the President and Congress's responsibility. No doubt the current strategy is a failure.

I couldn't support any more troops being deployed until the Pakistan issue is dealt with. We CANNOT allow only Pakistani forces to take care of that side of the border. If we're going to be successful in Afghanistan, IMO, the war starts in the Northern region of the Pakistan mountains. Given that the Pakistani people in that region support al-qaeda and not the U.S., that may be a very tricky operation.

It further complicates the situation that we are supposedly friendly with the Pakistani government. They are already sitting on a powder keg with the real possibility or a military coup by al-qaeda sympathizers. Do they have the political capital to allow the U.S. forces to operate within Pakistan to kill al-qaeda in the north?

The nation building of Afghanistan will be much more complex than it was in Iraq. There really isn't a comparison between the level of development between the two socities. The concepts of Democracy and rule of law will be extremely difficult to establish there. How long should we expect that to take?

If we're going to build a new strategy, it has to begin with the focus on al-qaeda again and not just the Taliban. If we capture and kill al-qaeda first, then the Taliban won't be nearly as difficult to deal with.
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Last edited by MikeinAR; 10-08-2009 at 08:49 AM.
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Old 10-08-2009, 08:43 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
You'll have to peddle that bill of goods to some uninformed sheep somewhere. GWB's and the Rumsfeld administration took their eye off of Afghanistan and that's why we actually possess LESS ground now than we did 8 years ago after removing the Taliban from the high offices.

Afghanistan has nothing to do with Democrats inability to lead military operations. That's ridiculous.
Afghanistan is not Chicago. King Husseins experience is from being surrounded by subversives like ayers The CPUSA (commies) Students for a Democratic society.
He is worthless in military strategy.

Of course, the issue isn’t money. It’s morality. That’s to say, it’s about what really matters to Obama. He’s willing to demand $800 billion now, today, to shore up his support among the auto unions and other Democratic interest groups. But the war of terror? He can’t even bring himself to pronounce the phrase. Indeed, one of the first things he did upon assuming office was to rebaptize the war on terror “overseas contingency operations.” (No, I am not making that up.)

Barack Obama traipses around the world, apologizing for America, telling the IOC all about himself and why the 2016 Olympics should come to his dysfunctional home town, coddling dictators. Even the French are appalled: Nicolas Sarkozy has made no secret of his exasperation at Obama’s naive and immature multicultural posturing.

Meanwhile the bad guys — and the world contains many really, really bad guys — are swelling with anticipation and feeling their oats. Ronald Reagan made no bones about calling the Soviet Union “the evil empire.” George W. Bush described North Korea, Iraq, and Iran as an axis of evil and promised to “smoke out” terrorists in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Barack Obama doesn’t know what to do.
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Old 10-08-2009, 08:43 AM
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Re: Do you support sending more troops to Afghanis

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
So code Pink and Mike are flipp floopping because of the ONE????

You aren't strong enough to explain why we are now looking at the middle east from a political perspective and no longer a military one.

You still can't explain why Obama voted against the surge and it worked and now he wants to hobble the troops.

The liberals have no objectives. They are just waving swords in the wind.
Obama is still upset because M
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