Originally Posted by Ferd
Im conflicted. This really isn't the court picking on the Christian.
The case is about Parental rights. It just happens the conflict is in the area of faith.
What do you do when there is a divorce and there is conflict between the parents on how to raise a child?
I honestly dont think this particular case is an assault on Christianity, but I do think courts often do attack Christians quite often.
this is a tuff one.
FERD I would agree if it were actually just parental rights. It is also religious rights.
(In the case of NC, it is also the father does not want to pay for home schooling expenses.)
Nonetheless the parent in possesion and doing the schooling should have the greater say unless there is a compelling reason.
In these cases the children are all testing ABOVE standard. And in the first case NH the mom even takes the kids to several special classes at the public school. Where THE SCHOOL says they are socially acclimated. The guardian ad litem did not like the fact the ten year old had made up her mind about "religion" and wanted her to be exposed many others faiths before making up her mind.
Combined with district level judges who had a clear anti-Christian bais.
Cases should be overturned.