Many are clamouring for their "rights" as church members, yea tithe paying members. "I give $XX therefore all the rest should kowtow to my desires".
I don't care how much money, time, yada-yada-yada someone gives. It doesn't give them a right to thrust some liberal agenda on the rest of us poor souls who don't have the financial clout to fight back.
I wholeheartedly agreed with the post except I'm not quite sure where this is coming from. I agree that $$$ shouldn't enable a liberal agenda to be thrust on people, but perhaps the same dollars could be used as influence to thrust some other kind of unhealthy agenda on people as well.
And I'm not sure what a liberal agenda or some other has to do with this whole ME issue, because it runs rampant all the way across the spectrum -- from extreme left to extreme right.
ME problem does NOT exist only in liberal environments, however you define that. It's a label that is very subjective as we all know.