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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 07-27-2009, 10:13 PM
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Re: Peak 2009

PEAK was soooo AWESOME!!!! I loved bro morton and bro young's preaching!!!!! if ya'll get a chance to hear those messages make sure you do!!!!
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Old 07-28-2009, 09:44 PM
hgpower hgpower is offline
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Re: Peak 2009

Google spiritbank arena. It will tell you the seating capacity of the arena. The reason it was hard to count is because half the crowd would not sit down. They just worshipped through the singing and the preaching. If you are apostolic (and obviously some of you are not) you should not criticize any apostolic group for having a very successful meeting. I was in the meeting with 14 other people from the church I pastor. The building was about 85 - 90 percent packed. Regardless, the meeting doubled in size from last year and there was a great move of God. There were no words of criticism spoken publickly or privately concerning any other organization. We had a great time. There are plenty of pictures on the web to show how full the building is. Some of you are so fascinated by crwod size. It would only take you a couple of hours of enlarging pictures and counting one-by-one. We would all be interested in your count(not really).

Last edited by hgpower; 07-28-2009 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:59 AM
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Re: Peak 2009

Originally Posted by hgpower View Post
Google spiritbank arena. It will tell you the seating capacity of the arena. The reason it was hard to count is because half the crowd would not sit down. They just worshipped through the singing and the preaching. If you are apostolic (and obviously some of you are not) you should not criticize any apostolic group for having a very successful meeting. I was in the meeting with 14 other people from the church I pastor. The building was about 85 - 90 percent packed. Regardless, the meeting doubled in size from last year and there was a great move of God. There were no words of criticism spoken publickly or privately concerning any other organization. We had a great time. There are plenty of pictures on the web to show how full the building is. Some of you are so fascinated by crwod size. It would only take you a couple of hours of enlarging pictures and counting one-by-one. We would all be interested in your count(not really).
Sounds like it was an awesome meeting! So happy so many young people from all over the country, were able to attend!
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Old 08-03-2009, 04:35 PM
On The Wheel On The Wheel is offline
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Re: Peak 2009

I always find it fascinating that how so many of these big, conservative churches who tout such "Together"ness rarely allowed their youth to travel just a few miles down the road to youth camp, district camp, or any other event promoting apostolic "Together"ness. At minimum it was seldom promoted or frowned upon. These were meetings full of life transforming ministry and apostolic worship (sometimes).

They were always too busy doing things at home to go. Now, however, they are quick to heavily promote and push youth to save and scrimp to come up with the massive funds needed to trek all the way to Tulsa, the Charismatic capital of the world.

Why the sudden urge to get "together" at such great expense? The answer is simple. They need the numbers to validate the movement. Big meetings equals success. That has even been borne out on this forum. As a fledgling organization, the leadership feels the urgency to appear vibrant and growing.

For what it's worth, I don't think this kind of commitment will continue. The WPF is still in its "honeymoon" phase, and the preachers who left all have a vested interest in it's propagation so it doesn't appear they made a grave error in judgment, which I believe they have. In time, most of these churches will begin to settle back into old, isolationist patterns that separated them from the UPCI.
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Old 08-03-2009, 09:58 PM
hgpower hgpower is offline
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Re: Peak 2009

WOW! This is laced with all the estential ingredients of real Christianity. Thanks for sharing your great love and compassion. Your blazing trail example has lifted my spirits and caused me to soar into a new dimension in the Spirit. Thank you for your upbeat, uplifting, encouraging words.
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Old 08-03-2009, 10:28 PM
On The Wheel On The Wheel is offline
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Re: Peak 2009

Originally Posted by hgpower View Post
WOW! This is laced with all the estential ingredients of real Christianity. Thanks for sharing your great love and compassion. Your blazing trail example has lifted my spirits and caused me to soar into a new dimension in the Spirit. Thank you for your upbeat, uplifting, encouraging words.
I must have hit a nerve. Typical, how your response contains no substance or any real assertions. Just the normal holiness breast beating that has become a boring mantra among some. You are godly, holy, and righteous, regardless of the ethical violations that pile up on your doorstep (Of course, I use the word 'you' which entails a movement, not necessarily you personally).

The WPF sowed discord among the brethren and purposely amplified small or irrelevant issues to carve off a slice of the apostolic movement in hopes of causing a political shift to their side.

Who is advertising on TV in the UPCI? Hardly none.
Who uses the internet to broadcast everthing? WPF.
TV and the Internet are almost one, and the Res. 4 a mute point. The big splitters knew this.

I personally know many of the leaders of the WPF and many pastors. They are fine men in many regards. Great preachers, teachers, and in some cases, great pastors. However, the messiah complex, the need to lead, is prominent among them, sorry to say. Does this negate all the good they do? Certainly not! But, the truth is the truth anyway.

Surely you truth proclaiming, holiness breastbeaters should appreciate this more than us, "Fat meat isn't greasy" folks.

By the way, we could have all used some upbeat, encouraging words a year and a half ago, when all of you were selling all of us in the UPCI down the river, ascribing pernicious motives to men you did not even know, and burning up the phone lines in the midnight hours wooing men from a lifetime of fellowship in order to be "together".

I guess what's good for you is not good for me. The double standard I often find among your kind is making me increasingly sick. I hope you are not one of these.
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Old 08-03-2009, 10:32 PM
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Re: Peak 2009

I'm not UC by any means,but hey the WPF has a right to exist,if likeminded people want to form a org. I say more power to em.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 08-09-2009, 10:53 PM
hgpower hgpower is offline
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Re: Peak 2009

On the WHeel,
I know you probably just get on here to try to make people made. I guess that's OK. I am UPC. Thank you. For all your wonderfully Christianity that is so evident in your posts will fall at your feet in admiration. Get a day job and we won't have to read your rhetoric. FYI I am close friends with numerous folks in leadership with the WPF and I have never been asked to join with them or give to any of their causes. Furthermore, one of my best friends went to the President of the WPF and personally asked him about leaving and joining the WPF. Bro. Godair told him he thought it would be better for him to stay in the UPC. Their goes your idea. These are good people. They can only stay in office for two years according to their bylaws. So, that sounds like they are power hungry politicians. Good people. So, get a life and grow up. Talk about the devils crowd. If not, join a "I hate apostolics forum and you lambast us all". We are all on the same team. Get the big picture. Get out of your local gossip[ group.
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Old 08-10-2009, 07:37 AM
Monterrey Monterrey is offline
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Re: Peak 2009

Originally Posted by Consapostolic1 View Post
The youth pastor of The Rock Church has pictures and a video... I'll attempt to load my pictures again later today.

I thought the WPF did not do VIDEO and TV!!!!!

Why, some people don't believe that fat meat is greasy!

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Old 08-10-2009, 09:05 PM
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Re: Peak 2009

Tha'st nothing. Legal Larry Booker's website has an brochure announcing a swimming pool party. Must be needing to pad the baptism numbers for the fall Sunday School contest
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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