Re: Where are the jobs?
According to a May 22, 2008 Bloomberg article by Michael McGee:
Billionaire investor Carl Icahn said Barack Obama would be a "terrible" U.S. president whose election would bring higher interest rates and a loss of international confidence in the dollar.
"I don't normally get involved in politics, but this time I am," Icahn told an investors conference in New York last night. "I don't think Obama really understands economics."
"I personally think he would be a terrible president," Icahn, 72, said. Obama would probably go on a "huge spending spree" that "the country can't afford right now."
Coupled with the higher tax rates that the Illinois senator has already endorsed, "you would have a loss of confidence in the dollar," leading to accelerating inflation and "much higher interest rates," Icahn said.
Even worse, Icahn said, would be a Democratic president with a veto-proof supermajority of 60 Democrats elected to the Senate.
"It would be devastating," he said. "Then you couldn't stop runaway legislation."
Icahn was spot-on about a “huge spending spree” and “runaway legislation.” Many believe “inflation,” “higher interest rates” and “a loss of international confidence in the dollar” are ahead. And, “devastating” is a looming fear in the minds of many -- maybe even a few who ignored Icahn’s warning and voted for Obama.
I posted several more iimized deficiencies over a year ago. His empty suit says so much.