Originally Posted by BrotherEastman
Hi Guys! I know I haven't been around for awhile, but school has been very time consuming. I still love you guys but I am curious as to what everyone here on AFF thinks about the world ending on Dec 21 2012? None of us knows when God is going to do his stuff, and almost every generation has thought that thier generation was the last. Do you guys give any credence to the Mayan calander? How about the I-ching from the Chinese? It would seem that the whole world has a prediction of 2012, is this a coincedence or is there something to it? Just curious what you guys think. God's blessings be upon you!
My current "count-down" counter is keyed for just this event! It's all going to go BOOM! baby!
But seriously, the whole thing is interesting from an astronomical standpoint and an archaeological point as well, since so many ancient cultures have been tracking this event.
And, something that happens only once every 25,550 years or so is worth noting when it happens during your life time. Many ancient scribes and seers longed to "see" this event knowing that they would inevitably die and their kingdoms vanish from the earth long before this alignment.
In the end, it is just an alignment - an astronomical coincidence. But pretty cool, in my opinion.