Originally Posted by RevDWW
You couldn't be true to your beliefs in the COG, perhaps you were needed there to bring them light?
As to the job situtation, have you considered moving to where there is work?
Brother, I took a vow (in the COG, you take vows when you are credentialed) to support the Declaration of Faith. Those 13 rules state what they believe. I also took a vow that if I ever could not support them, I would not cause division within the church, but give my credentials up. Scripture teaches us to honor our vows, and I must do that.
The job situation is the same everywhere, Nashville's unemployment rate is actually better here than most places. I am single, and have a home that would have to be sold, in a market that would create a loss. To try to move, sell my home, etc would be more expensive and financially less responsible than moving, and I have two elderly parents who depend on me being close should something happen with them. Moving isn't an option.
I don't want to sound ungrateful, but this was a prayer request. Why find fault with my prayer request or debate me on it? Why not just pray for me, or ignore it and move on? When people provide prayer requests at your church, do you do this to them?
If this is what this forum is going to be like, then there is no need for me to even start posting here. I'm looking for family, and fellowship, people to agree with me in prayer. We can debate in other threads, but this was a prayer request.