Re: Looking for two recipes
Found the pickle recipe!
Sweet Cucumber Pickles
16lb small cucumbers
3 boxes plain salt (I used canning & pickling salt)
1 small box alum (found with spices - like to never found this stuff)
1 gal white vinegar
10lbs sugar
Samll container pickling spice
1 sq cheesecloth
2 gal water
Wash cucumbers good and put in a large churn or clean 5 gallon bucket. Cover with water and pour salt over the cucumbers. Cover good and place in cool dark place. Let set for sixteen days. Pour off water. Rinse and slice cucumbers. Cover with two gallon alum water and cover and stand overnight. Drain alum water and cover with white vinegar. Let stand for six hours. Drain. Pour sugar over sliced cucumbers. Tie spices in cheesecloth and put in middle of the sugar covered cucumbers. Let stand for several hours. Be sure all sugar is melted. Stir and put into clean jars with lids tight. Use later.
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Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.