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Old 06-26-2009, 04:12 PM
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

Bratti, You are right and as usual you make a much better case than I.

When I grow up I want to be a wordsmith like you...
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Old 06-26-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Sis. Alvear, this is already public knowledge. The Joplin, MO newspaper published articles when he was first charged. I've been following the docket entries on Missouri Case Net, as have others. Further, he will be added to the sex offender's list in MO which is accessible to the public, details the charges, and usually includes a picture of the perpetrator.

There are many situations the church can deal with internally, without involving the general public, and "saving the face" of the church, so to speak. However, molestation of a child isn't one of those occasions IMO, anymore than murder, rape, or any other crime that injures a second party.

Unlike with simple immoral behavior, crimes such as molestation, murder, rape, assault, etc., need to be made known to the public so they can protect themselves--and their children.

If a pastor commits adultery, I agree, he can be quietly removed from his post as pastor, and he can resolve the matter with his family without informing the general public of his failure, thus bringing shame to the church as a whole. Other situations warrant the same discreet approach. (Although, IMO, it is NOT wrong to apprise the local congregation of the situation, and in fact they probably should know what is going on.)

Child molestation isn't one of those situations, IMO.
in no way am I for covering up such a horrible thing...I personally have never heard of the man...I guess it was just my thinking I just hate for things like this to be discussed as many hurt people are on this forum...
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Old 06-26-2009, 05:00 PM
jaxfam6 jaxfam6 is offline
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Dear Sis. ALvear,

You know I love and respect you immensely, but this is a reason why many sex offenders are not prosecuted. I once asked a prominent UPCI minister why a pedophile was not prosecuted as the offense was done in their church. He told me:
1. They didn't want to bring a reproach upon the church [I believe it to be a reproach when it isn't prosecuted],
2. The young girl involved had reached 18 and was marrying and they did not want her to be dragged into it [she was 14-16 when the molestation occurred].
3. The girl was a PK and they didn't want it to affect the ministry [how dare that parent to protect their ministry from embarrassment at the expense of their daughter].

This is why we are no better than the Catholics who hide behind priestly garments all the while molesting our children. Many times we are not in a place of control when someone we know or a family member is molested, but if we know it has happened and do nothing then we are as guilty as the person who did the molesting.

Respectfully, Rhoni
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Rhoni, I love and respect you too and I a not in any way for hiding things like this I just don´t feel this is the place to do it..
I may be wong I sure am not always rght but it seems so many people read here that we could use this place to build up and not tear down. In no way am I saying this man whoever he is should be protected...God forbid...I just think somewhere else would be proper...
Sorry Rhoni I am on Sis A's side on this one. You do have valid points to make but I have to agree with missionary this time. =)
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I'll get back to you when I figure it out.
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Old 06-26-2009, 05:04 PM
jaxfam6 jaxfam6 is offline
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

As a victm I would much rather see the guilty punished and people know what he or she is/was but I am still with the esteemed Sis A. THIS is not the place for it. There is much here that I feel should be said elsewhere. This is OPEN and many can read what is said. If the discussions here were to be of a different nature but some here get on the band wagon and ridicule and gossip about things. It is one thing to discuss and state another entirely to go down the road that some take. Makes us look pretty ignorant at times.
Life is .............

I'll get back to you when I figure it out.
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Old 06-26-2009, 05:20 PM
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

Why would you post this?
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Old 06-26-2009, 05:23 PM
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

I think the poster knows there are some who are following the case.
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Old 06-26-2009, 07:23 PM
oletime oletime is offline
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Why would you post this?
bro E sometimes the apostolic friends forum is none of the above, it is only a gossip forum imo nothing was covered he was prosecuted everyone that needed to know probably does , dont know the man i didnt need to know jmo i might not be right but oh well opinions are like noses, we all got one, but mine aint any better than yours
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Old 06-26-2009, 08:14 PM
whocanitbe whocanitbe is offline
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

It is quite evident that those who have negative opinions about my posting this think only of their own level of comfort regarding this matter. Do you truly think that those who are "hurt" will be swayed by this information? And if they are, won't they answer to God for their own decisions? Did Jesus protect people from negative information regarding crimes of this matter? Did he not preach that it was better that a millstone be hung around the necks of one who would hurt a little one?

Even Jesus shared examples and made examples of Pharisees, in particular. I sat under this man's ministry for YEARS. I loved him, I believed in him. You think about how people may be hurt. . .ask me about my family members who will now make mockery of the things of God due to this man's actions.

Maybe God would have you to spend some time in intercession for his Godly wife who sits with an entire life of ministry in ruins. I added no negative connotations to my post. I copied and pasted the docket entry, it spoke for itself. We DESERVE to know the TRUTH, isn't that what Jesus was all about? THE TRUTH!

I have a right to have my time of pain, my healing and an opportunity to share in this open forum.

Apostolic friends you say? I often wonder. I do have some Apostolic friends, but I would say more often then not I run into Apostolic snakes, vipers and hypocrites. You can now add pastor Huling to the list. I am human, I get to have feelings, God made me like that. It's OK to feel, to think, to vent, to "deal". I learned that after disassociating from the UPC.

I learned that God was loving and wanted me to truly have life more abundantly and I finally learned what grace was. I love my friends who remain and I thank God for bringing me to the place I am now and for where He is leading me.

I would implore you to get outside of your own minds, your own comfort zones, and empathize, for a moment with the many kinds of people and many real life situations that are out there.

Mrs. Bratti, thanks for the backing and for understanding.

Brothers and Sisters who disagree, you need to step outside into the great big world, disengage your heads from the sand and look around you, it will help you be much more effective in your ministries.
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Old 06-26-2009, 08:39 PM
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

Originally Posted by oletime View Post
bro E sometimes the apostolic friends forum is none of the above, it is only a gossip forum imo nothing was covered he was prosecuted everyone that needed to know probably does , dont know the man i didnt need to know jmo i might not be right but oh well opinions are like noses, we all got one, but mine aint any better than yours

You dare call this a GOSSIP COLUMN!!!!


Why do you think we come here? Much funner than JP! Right Epley?
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Old 06-26-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: A Chg of Plea to Guilty by Former UPC PastorHu

Perhaps whocanitbe can come out in the open & say who they are?

As it is, they are cowardly hiding behind a anonymous moniker!

As phony as a three dollar bill!
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