Originally Posted by Blubayou
Ferd you make a lot of sense. I have had limited experience with doctors and insurance- Thank God- I think part of the problem is what you stated another piece of the problem are lawyers who are sue happy, and another part of the problem is the drug companies robbing us blind. My sister went to Mexico on a cruise last year and purchased a medication she uses in the States that cost $125 for a month's supply, for $5 dollars with out a script in a Mexican pharmacy. A pharmacist on the cruise said it was very likely the same medicine. I also think that when the drug companies started advertising in the media- we saw a drastic rise in costs.
You are right in that there are a number of different varibles. I highlighted the one that impacts costs directly in the Supply/Demand model.
It is in many ways the driver of the others.
Even Aquila is right to point out that adminstrative costs are a huge part of the problem.... I would point out that this part of the cost struture is by and large a government enforced problem. Both by legislative decree and because of insane medicare adminstrative costs.
but again you point to pharmapsudical companies being at least partly to blame. i dont disagree... to an extent.
Our government allows a company a 10 year patent on drugs they develop, AND we allow drug companies to pay the other drug companies that produce generic brands, NOT to produce a generic once it is allowed.
That keeps a big profit drug in the big profit relmn.
We also allow drug companies to advertise. While it may be on one level a free speach issue, it forces Doctors to push new expensive drugs over older less expensive drugs that maybe more "tried and true"
So drugs certainly have built in costs but that is seperate from the cost of healthcare.
You are right that malpratice is a huge issue. That needs reform too.