Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
thanks ...I have a bunch of tests tomorrow and really all week...
Dear Sis. Alvear,
When you go for the tests, HE is going with you, IN you, Everywhere
you go. Isn't it comforting to know the Spirit of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY
IS going right in that room with and in you! Those giving the test won't
see HIM but I assure you, they will know HE IS THERE!
Just as the Presence of the LORD was represented by/in the Ark, we
represent HIS PRESENCE whereever we go. The difference is now that
we are the temple and the temple is carried by individual legs. Everywhere
God's people go, HIS SPIRIT/PRESENCE goes and lights a dark world.
No wonder JESUS was THE LIGHT when He was on earth. The SPIRIT
was IN HIM without measure. In Him was no darkness. THE World became
filled with light when GOD said, "Let there be light and there was light".
Light is the absence of darkness.