Originally Posted by pelathais
Thanks Sis.
I'm just wondering, based upon something you said in another thread about "full salvation" and the Fundamental Doctrine of the UPC. How would you advise an Apostolic Pentecostal to approach people like David Wilkerson who have argued against baptism in Jesus' name and the Oneness of God?
Bro. Pelathais,
Just wanted to say that the plan of full salvation was not something that
we learned from the UPC. Long before our late father became licensed with the
UPC, they came to their conclusion of what full salvation consisted of.
In other
words they had searched out the scriptures of what the Apostolic plan of
salvation was. They didn't get it from the organization. He believed the
Acts 2:38 message to be the way to salvation. The death, burial and resurrection
of Jesus Christ.
Our late father told me many years ago that while it was not perfect, the UPC
was the best (organization) he had seen and that he had looked along time
before making the decision to be licensed with them. He was cooperative and
worked in harmony with the brethren. He appreciated the UPC. He left this pre-
sent world in Oct.1989. He was passionate for missions.
Our father looked to God for His direction but could easily work with others.
He was a peaceable man but if he believed something he believed it with all
his being. He has been gone 19 yrs. His heroes were not of this world. He
loved the brethren but he didn't idolize them. He was God's man.
What this world didn't give us, this world can't take it away!