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Old 03-01-2009, 06:57 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Columbus, OH update

It comes back (mainly) to accountability and why I bristle when told by certain folks that "all tithes belong to the pastor". These same people say that "God will judge any impropriety" and that we need to keep giving blindly.
Well, I firmly believe that WE will be held to a certain account if we don't at least make an effort to see that our money is being properly managed.
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Old 03-01-2009, 07:29 PM
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Re: Columbus, OH update

I hate the idea of pastors getting all the tithe. I'm thankful that we don't have all that responsibility placed on us. It's much easier to receive a set salary. It's just one less temptation that we won't have to deal with.
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Old 03-01-2009, 08:03 PM
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Re: Columbus, OH update

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I hate the idea of pastors getting all the tithe. I'm thankful that we don't have all that responsibility placed on us. It's much easier to receive a set salary. It's just one less temptation that we won't have to deal with.
Plus, I would think it would be ever so much easier for you to set your personal budget if you know how much money you will have coming in each week. I've never understood how a pastor (especially of a smaller church) could figure a budget based on what the tithe was each week. You have to know that some weeks the poor guy's family isn't even going to eat!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 03-01-2009, 08:57 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Columbus, OH update

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
I hate the idea of pastors getting all the tithe. I'm thankful that we don't have all that responsibility placed on us. It's much easier to receive a set salary. It's just one less temptation that we won't have to deal with.
Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Plus, I would think it would be ever so much easier for you to set your personal budget if you know how much money you will have coming in each week. I've never understood how a pastor (especially of a smaller church) could figure a budget based on what the tithe was each week. You have to know that some weeks the poor guy's family isn't even going to eat!
I remember as a young'un seeing my daddy give the pastor his tithes, and the elder put the envelope in his pocket.

Always thought it was supposed to be that way...the tithes just went to the pastor.
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Old 03-01-2009, 09:53 PM
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Re: Columbus, OH update

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
What they had been taught was that they were the 'ox" and that they had no muzzle.

That is a quite common teaching.
Maybe it would work in a perfect world with perfect people.
Maybe in an imperfect world with imperfect people, we need checks and balances.
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Old 03-01-2009, 10:04 PM
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Re: Columbus, OH update

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
It comes back (mainly) to accountability and why I bristle when told by certain folks that "all tithes belong to the pastor". These same people say that "God will judge any impropriety" and that we need to keep giving blindly.
Well, I firmly believe that WE will be held to a certain account if we don't at least make an effort to see that our money is being properly managed.
That varies from Church to Church. Back in the mid nineteen seventies I was a sectional youth leader for the ALJC. I was just asked to do it by a person who was leaving so I did it. Later before a Youth Rally at a nearby Church there was a business meeting before the service. I was asked to attend. the District Superintendent was there. The pastor of the church where the meeting was held was a sectional presbyter (or whatever the term was). My pastor was there which was rare because he didn't ordinarily attend youth rallies. There were some more ministers there including the grandson (by marriage) of the sectional Presbyter. I found out there that I needed to be a licensed minister in the organization in order to hold that position. I was asked if I got voted in to that position, would I join the organization? I was told what the dues were and I asked my pastor if I could take the dues out of my tithe. He told me I could. After I asked that the grandson asked his grandfather if he could take his dues out of his tithes and was informed that he could not because the tithe went to the pastor. That was the first time I had heard that. It shows the difference in thinking from church to church. there were a couple of ballots where just names were written down. I don't remember how many people were there and how many names were mentioned but I think two names besides mine were mentioned. Another ballot was indecisive so the District Superintendent suggested he appoint me to the office since I had already been doing it. He then suggested to me that I only hold youth rallies in ALJC churches. I don't remember what I said, probably "OK" but I chose to ignore his suggestion. I guess I was sort of a maverick back then.
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Old 03-02-2009, 06:52 AM
The Lemon The Lemon is offline
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Re: Columbus, OH update

I have seen and read many posts on this forum about Tithes. Whether the necessity to pay the exact tenth etc. My opinion and personal stance on it is that we have strayed so far from the New Testament Church concerning giving and motive for giving that we are reduced to some of the nonsenical issues that take place (i.e. - lawsuits, all tithes belong to the Pastore etc.,etc.)

What absolutely amazes me is that a man who wrote 3/4 of the New Testament held a trade, and just think, he did this while establishing churchs, mentoring new pastors, preaching all over, etc. Yet today I hear so much like "For a Pastor to reach full potential, said pastor must aspire to be a full time pastor"

I think statements like that are ignorant, personally. This is why, I learned a long time ago that it is the nature of people to be takers. The more you give , the more will be taken. It is human nature. When you set the boundaries well, then it alleviates alot of the tension that can develop when all you do is dole out all the time. I remember telling a young minister once that if you are not careful, the people will take from you until you are spent out - you must learn to draw the line and set priorities.

The fact is that we set the expectation sometimes. I believe everything from our current modern church culture, to the necessity of tithes, to the dress codes, is a reflection of tradition and culture - not necessarily Biblical model. I believe a pastor should work like everyone else in the congregation - so what if you end up not having all the latest programs and stuff - the bottom line is we need a move of God, not busy schedules - my opinion.

I have done just about every ministry except missions (including home) - I have even pastored for a small season. I have always held a secular job, and have never recieved any funds from the church to preach etc. The money I have made has come from the blessing of my secular career.

Not trying to rant, just saying that in many cases it seems that "Perception = Reality"
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Old 03-02-2009, 09:42 AM
edjen01 edjen01 is offline
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Re: Columbus, OH update

Originally Posted by GraceAmazing View Post
Is this the same David Thompson that pastored in Huntington, Indiana for a time?
i don't think so. i think that was Bruce Thompson.
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Old 03-02-2009, 09:59 AM
YEPhesMycousin YEPhesMycousin is offline
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Re: Columbus, OH update

There is another situation happening on the east coast where a pastor had church credit cards and his family bought whatever they wanted including the ring his son bought for his girlfriend in the sum of 5,000 dollars. Sad. The pastor is being indicted for embezzlement. The church is not UPC but the pastor is.
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Old 03-02-2009, 10:21 AM
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Re: Columbus, OH update

To me it's scary when a pastor and his family treat the church as a cash cow and the funds as their own personal treasure chest. No wonder they fill the church board with family members and friends, put family members and friends on the payroll, and keep the pastorate in the family.
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