Originally Posted by pelathais
hmm... E.B. was thinking that the Pali's shot the rockets because Israel was sending settlers into Gaza. But the settlers were all forcibly removed by Israel back in 2005. Still the rockets and mortars.
Israel hasn't stopped settlements in the West Bank. The thought of a Palestinian state is no where in sight. The treatment of Palestinians hasn't changed under occupation.
Originally Posted by pelathais
Then E.B. said Israel just wanted to kill every man woman and child in Gaza for no particular reason at all.
Come on what's up with that? Can you produce where I made that statement? You must be steaming hot to make such a statement as the above. I suggest you dig where this discussion.
Originally Posted by pelathais
To back up that charge he cited several articles from Israeli media which actually were asking for less harsh treatment of those who were shooting at them.
You made an accusation that I was using bigoted language? You need to see your own hostility. Again by viewing your nonsensical posts, you would think that a major super power (or even a second world country) was shooting rockets into Israel. Paleface you didn't even go through the web sites I offered you. Did you really LOOK into any of those sites? Did you do any research outside of your narrow view? Of course not, because it would challenge the myths you hold dear. You want to believe with all your heart and soul that Arabs and Palestinians are a subhuman race, that are hellbent with only one goal in life. That is to kill, murder and maim Israelis and Americans. You see that mentality works for you, because it fuels the justification to treat all Palestinians and Arabs unjustly. It allows you to sleep sweet, because in YOUR mind every Arab and Palestinian is a potential terrorist.
Do you tighten up when you walk into a store or restaurant and see a arab family, or see a woman wearing the hijab?
Are you currently attending a church?
Originally Posted by pelathais
So, after evacuating all the settlers years ago, after withdrawing their forces that were sent in to quell the rocket and mortar fire, after spending billions of dollars in most US money to try and bribe Fatah over the last many years... what exactly are the Israelis supposed to do to get the rocket to stop falling on Israel?
Could you show us how many billions of dollars have be sent to Israel?
Concerning the CBS story on the Arms Shipment that was headed to Syria from Cyprus. They said the small munitions were only under suspicion on where they were headed. Since President Barrack Obama is having talks with Iran they didn't get any go ahead to obstruct the transportation of the small munitions to the Syrian port. November 4, 2008 Israel performed air raids on Hamas dug tunnels, and today in response to rocket and mortar fire, the air force has attacked a number of targets in Gaza, including six tunnels and a Hamas position. My question would be how since the tunnels have been destroyed along the Egyptian border, can Hamas gain anymore weapons? Could you also describe the living conditions within Gaza at this moment? Since prior to the end of the Nov truce, there was a enforced blockade by Israel against the Palestinians. Since November Israel has retaliated against Gaza and through air raids destroyed tunnels. So, since they have no electric, running water, food is scarce, and a great deal of living structures have been destroyed, what are the conditions with in the Gaza strip?
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa