I make it a couple of years.... it will take at least that long for the weight of this massive "stimulus" bill to do it's damage on our debt.
Like I said on another thread, if they took the amount of this "stimulus" bill and simply cut TAXES by that amount (taxes for people who PAY taxes, not all these earned income credits) the economy would be completely out of its recession by this time next year.
Yep... cut taxes. LOL
Bush cut taxes...that required that the slash CDBG funding to state governments. The trickle down effect.... spread of urban blight as fewer funds were available for code enforcement and community rehabillitation. Slash more taxes and maybe they'll force you to bury our trash in your own back yard because they'll close the landfill and trash collection services. hehehe.
The stimulus bill has targeted tax breaks. We don't need a sweeping policy, we need surgical precision. Certain industries need a nice tax break...others need to start paying their fair share. It's a balancing act that most who don't work for the government don't understand.
I actually have more respect for Obama (in SOME ways) then the people who support him thinking that "now the FAT cats will get whats coming to them! Now MY health insurance will be paid by my neighbor who is making a DOLLAR MORE AN HOUR then me!".
The class envy in ALL of this and the idea that other people are better at spending my own money then me, is the really grating thing.
We're nowhere near that right now.
But here's food for thought.... my family's health insurance premium would have trippled if I were still insured in the private market (I've got a government plan). Anyway, do you know why my premiums would have trippled? Because of all those who are uninsured and can't afford to pay their medical bills. The health care providers raise prices to cover this loss...in turn the insurance industry raises premiums to cover higher health care costs.... then they tack on service fees, processing fees, etc...oh, and they increase cost just a little more to maintain their profit margin. In the end, with this current system...we're paying even more for those who pay nothing into the system. And as the costs increase... more go without insurance...causing the costs to balloon out of control. Maybe we should keep this system until we're all unable to afford insurance and just make the billionaires and trillionaires pay for it. lol
At least if EVERYONE paid SOMETHING into a universal health insurance system there wouldn't be any free rides.
Location: In two of the most beautiful states in the U.S.A
Posts: 1,676
Re: Obama Signs Equal Pay Legislation
My wife spent a lot of time in the hospital and they always put some nut case in with her. I asked why and was told by one of the nurses that my wife had good insurance and the nut case didn't. Guess who made the most demands on the nurses, it wasn't my wife. I sdtayed with her all her wakening hours and did a lot of what the nurses would have had to do if I wasn't there. I was glad to take care of her.
Well, guess what... if you are unhappy about how high your premiums are... it's because you're paying for all those who don't have any insurance whatsoever. We need a system where everyone's paying SOMETHING into the program.
This is the same week he signed an order allowing states (namely California) to make their own stringent emissions rules.
The guy is a legitimate moron!
CA has been doing this for years, anyway. Did this order make it legal? And, uh, what's wrong with it, anyway? L.A. used to make my lungs hurt, when I was a kid. I think a lot of progress has been made, thanks to emissions rules.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
This is the same week he signed an order allowing states (namely California) to make their own stringent emissions rules.
The guy is a legitimate moron!
No he's not!
This decision forces the oil companies and the car manufacturing companies to actually be held accountable to the consumers who purchase their vehicles.
They want to sell to us, they want us as customers, then fine sell us what we want:
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
CA has been doing this for years, anyway. Did this order make it legal? And, uh, what's wrong with it, anyway? L.A. used to make my lungs hurt, when I was a kid. I think a lot of progress has been made, thanks to emissions rules.
Legally, California was stopped from raising its emission standards during GWB's administration.
It was his favor to "Big Oil" and and those car makers that want government money to bail them out.
Those same car companies know how to manufacture engines that are much cleaner and much more efficient, but they haven't done so.
President Obama's decision actually is a stroke of genius, giving Americans freedom to help clean their localities!
But for those of us programmed to despise Democrats regardless will never see the good in anything President Obama does.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."