Originally Posted by Carpenter
The priest is a subjective term, but everyone has their position in the role of the family. Men better know and fulfill their roles in leadership or the family is on their way to having the same significance and effectiveness as the Whig party.
I did not want to get drawn into this. I agree that men not taking their role in the family is a HUGE isssue and a great hurt to families.
However, that being said... Scripture shows us that a family isn't necesarily doomed if the husband/father is not doing what he is suppose to (providing his wife doesn't just follow his lead).
I point to:
1. Abigail who acted to save her household;
2. The wife of Moses who acted when God was on His way to kill Moses;
3. The mother of the youngest king who must have raised him single handidly to seek God since his father was EVIL;
4. The mother and grandmother of Timothy who taught him to love God and truth;
5. Furthermore; we have some wonderful ministers today that were brought up to love God by their mother not their father's doing.
And the list could continue to go on...
This is not to say that dad is expendable. FAR FROM IT. Society as a whole would benefit tremendously if Dads took their rightful places.
But it is important for wives and mothers to know that there are some places they can't follow their husbands. And they better know that and not think there is some magical umbrella of protection in doing what their husbands want.