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View Poll Results: Race of the candidate effected my choice...
a great deal 1 2.78%
somewhat 2 5.56%
none 33 91.67%
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Old 11-05-2008, 06:23 PM
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Re: The Election, Race, and You

I am glad President Elect Barak Obama won. Well, let me backtrack there. I am glad a person of color won the election and will soon be the President of the United States. Heres why...

Finally. Finally, when the pictures of the Presidents of the US are displayed, with President-Elect Obama included, those portraits will finally reflect what America is really all about. We can now say, "America IS the land of the FREE and the home of the brave". Finally the portraits of our presidents will show the world that we are a nation of the people. All people. Not one color of people. But all people. America has never been a nation that favors only the majority. But now our presidential portraits reflect that. I may look to the future with a cautious eye, I may have reservations about whatever policies that may be handed down the pike these next 4 years (or 8), but I can sure look to the recent past, and say that finally, America is living up to its claim as ONE NATION. I think of the words of the Apostle Paul: "A great door and effectual is open unto me....". A great door has opened for America, A great step has been taken to help make the United States really UNITED. Oh, Paul does finish his statement with this: ".... and [there are] many adversaries. 1Cr 16:9 America does have its adversaries- both within and without. Some adversaires were silenced last night, new adversaries were created. But a "great and effectual door" has been opened, nonetheless. We may not be thrilled with the choice, but when the updated portraits of the presidents is released. you can bet I'll have one. Because I can now look at those 43 (or is it 44) presidents and say with American pride "THAT reflects what my country is all about!".
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:03 PM
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Hoovie Hoovie is offline

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Re: The Election, Race, and You

Given America's past it does speak well that today we can go to the polls without a twinge of racism.

I was happy to go and vote for the first African American to be on the Presidential ballot in all 50 states. I did so eagerly and without hesitation.

But then I am a strictly issues voter, and in 2000 Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster were the right choice - even though they garnered less than a million votes.
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