Originally Posted by tstew
That is interesting. I'm sure that there is a very complicated back story that we'll never know. The Crystal Cathedral is a huge enterprise and those things can get really complicated and involve the influence of people that we don't know anything about.
I heard his son on a TV talk show share how he met his current wife.
He was living in a high end condo complex near the ocean.
It was during his divorce from his first wife.
She had kicked him out of the home.
He was walking along the beech.
When he notice a woman approaching him.
As he described her she looked like a godess approaching him.
She was clad in a bikini.
It was at that moment before she uttered a word to him.
That God spoke to him that she would be his wife.
She was a backslid christian at the time and former model and beauty queen.
They met in 1983 he was not divorced from his first wife until 1984.
He married his current wife Donna the same year.
To me the story of how he met his current wife and God speaking to him on the beech to a former beauty queen in a bikini.
Just made me think this guy just is not right.
What would have happend if the woman walking up to him that day was not a former beauty queen?
Would God have spoken to him?
I have always thought he needed to hit the alter himself and have a hour of power in repentance....