I'm going to find me some of those for my avator!
This has been going on for.....oh 25 yrs+
I keep the red shoe avator for at least 8 days or less...hehehehe
Rom.8:38,39-For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither heigth nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The Sarah Palin look is very conservative compared to the mini dresses/skirts and bee-hive hairdo's of the late 1960's. 5 inches above the knee was considred long in 1969 and they were worn all over the PC.
I love Sarah and I'd probably have loved the Sarah look alike choir director.
Well, guess I might has well chime in. Being a lady of 69 yrs. and married
for 49 yrs. and had the Holy Ghost for 50 yrs., I have seen a lot.
Let me tell you what I observed the first time I saw Sarah Palin on a video
where Sen. John McCain was fixing to introduce her. What got my attention was not what she was wearing, or her hair or her make-up!! What got my attention was WHAT WAS COMING OUT HER MOUTH, FROM HER HEART! That spoke volumes to me. I began to weep and then began speaking in tongues and felt the HOLY GHOST!!! We can look "the part" on the outside but I want to hear what's in the heart. My parents trained me as a child. I received the Holy Ghost when I was 18 yrs. old. The Holy Ghost began to lead and guide me. The Spirit of God
began to teach me. BEGAN!! There has to be a beginning and in the end, the results will be shown. Twas grace that brought me safe thus far. And His Wonderful, Amazing Grace will
lead us home.
What comes out of MY mouth! What comes out of YOUR mouth. We don't have to answer
to man, but to God! Fill my mouth, Lord.
Sarah Palin has some principals in her heart. Some heart standards, if you please.
That's where it should start and become visible in time. Yes, I believe we should be
presentable to God in every area of our lives. As living sacrifices, holy and acceptable
unto Him, which is our REASONABLE service. And with His Spirit and Love in us, we can
know what is expected of us. He will lead and guide us IF we have a teachable spirit.
Well, guess I might has well chime in. Being a lady of 69 yrs. and married for 49 yrs. and had the Holy Ghost for 50 yrs., I have seen a lot.
Let me tell you what I observed the first time I saw Sarah Palin on a video where Sen. John McCain was fixing to introduce her. What got my attention was not what she was wearing, or her hair or her make-up!! What got my attention was WHAT WAS COMING OUT HER MOUTH, FROM HER HEART! That spoke volumes to me. I began to weep and then began speaking in tongues and felt the HOLY GHOST!!! We can look "the part" on the outside but I want to hear what's in the heart. My parents trained me as a child. I received the Holy Ghost when I was 18 yrs. old. The Holy Ghost began to teach me. BEGAN!! There has to be a beginning and in the end, the results will be shown.
Sarah Palin has some principals in her heart. Some heart standards, if you please. That's where it should start and become visible in time. Yes, I believe we should be presentable to God in every area of our lives. As living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto Him, which is our REASONABLE service. And with His Spirit and Love in us, we can know what is expected of us. He will lead and guide us IF we have a teachable spirit.
Thank you, Sis Falla! Unfortunately, posts like this are often looked over and not responded to.
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
Here's proof that the prairie dress wearin' women are preferred.
Your post would be more accurate if you added the words "for some" at the end of it.
The styles similar to what Sarah P is wearing have been around the church for a while now. I have to say Sarah P looks classy and modest in all the pictures I have seen of her.
By the world's standards she would be extremely modest.
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.