I saw that. Have they developed any leads or theories yet. It was an unbelievable story.
I haven't heard anything solid. Her purse was missing, but they think the robbery angle was a cover up to a possible stalker. It was way to gruesome for just an average robbery or rape. LRPD has done some searching on the sides of I-30 for possible clues and there were reports yesterday that her debit card had been used after the attack but the report was pulled from media outlets. Maybe LRPD thought it would hurt their case or investigation.
The brutality of the beating was unbelievable. From what I've read if she hadn't slipped into a coma, and her heart rate slowed way down, she would have died due to the blunt force trauma to her head and upper body. Both legs, and arms broken, multiple skull fractures, and either rope wounds or stab wounds.
No justice is suitable for the supposed human who did it.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
I haven't heard anything solid. Her purse was missing, but they think the robbery angle was a cover up to a possible stalker. It was way to gruesome for just an average robbery or rape. LRPD has done some searching on the sides of I-30 for possible clues and there were reports yesterday that her debit card had been used after the attack but the report was pulled from media outlets. Maybe LRPD thought it would hurt their case or investigation.
The brutality of the beating was unbelievable. From what I've read if she hadn't slipped into a coma, and her heart rate slowed way down, she would have died due to the blunt force trauma to her head and upper body. Both legs, and arms broken, multiple skull fractures, and either rope wounds or stab wounds.
No justice is suitable for the supposed human who did it.
And people wonder why some of us believe in the death penalty. hmmmm
And people wonder why some of us believe in the death penalty. hmmmm
My concern about the death penalty has nothing to do with not believing that there is no crime worthy of death. It has to do with the incredible amount of proven wrongful convictions for major crimes in our current judicial system.
Whoever the perpetrator of this crime is deserves the type of punishment that our law does not even allow for.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
__________________ http://endtimeobserver.blogspot.com
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
This is obvioulsy a reprehensible and despicable act and another display of the utter depravity of man. However, I do find it interesting that was no similar righteous indignation of "Shock" on Drudge when Arkansas' Democratic Party chairman Bill Gwatney was shot dead at the party headquarters. I'm sure Rush and Hannity are going to have a field day with this tommorow, they didn't say much though when one of their "fans" entered into the heretical, leftist Unitarian Church and wounded and/or killed several of parishioners.
Apparently Pittsburgh law enforcement has plenty of reasons to believe this is a hoax.
Her story sounds questionable to me.
I mean, c'mon. The first thing the guy does is rob her at an ATM and THEN notices her McCain sticker, gets mad and sticks around to cut a "B" in her face?
The politically-aware mugger, eh?
AND she doesn't go to the hospital until the next day?
Apparently Pittsburgh law enforcement has plenty of reasons to believe this is a hoax.
Her story sounds questionable to me.
I mean, c'mon. The first thing the guy does is rob her at an ATM and THEN notices her McCain sticker, gets mad and sticks around to cut a "B" in her face?
The politically-aware mugger, eh?
AND she doesn't go to the hospital until the next day?
Apparently Pittsburgh law enforcement has plenty of reasons to believe this is a hoax.
Her story sounds questionable to me.
I mean, c'mon. The first thing the guy does is rob her at an ATM and THEN notices her McCain sticker, gets mad and sticks around to cut a "B" in her face?
The politically-aware mugger, eh?
AND she doesn't go to the hospital until the next day?
And look at her black eye. Not swollen yet black right after the attack? I don't think so. The white of that eye is also still white. It should be red.
That B looks darn good too...almost like she held still while he did it.
And what did he do it with, his dull fingernail???
And like Tim said, he got her money then decided after seeing the McCain sticker on her car to 'send her a message' on her face?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!