Originally Posted by Weary Pilgrim
Here's the Conference Carlton just held in Atlanta.
take a look at the topics - simply astonishing!
And the guest! Unbelievable!
Interesting mix of guests and speakers, including..
James Levinson - Jewish Rabbi
Michael Beckwith - New Age
Dr. Barbara King - affiliated with New Thought/New Age
Louis Farrakhan - Nation of Islam
Yvette Flunders - Lesbian Bishop (Church of Christ)
Interesting that Carlton Pearson calls the event a
"Parliament of Spiritual Traditions." sounds suspiciously close to the
"Council for a Parliament of The World Religions" http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/index.cfm
...Another step in the direction of the coming One World Religion.
How sad.
It's a shame how the devil has twisted this man's mind.