BTW it's not just Bush and it's not just Republicans. It's both. Our "representative government" is paid off by all the major companies being bailed out by you the tax payers against your wills....not only did they contribute to these corrupt politicians but they own hundreds of thousands of dollars in the sinking companies
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
The SCOTUS stopped the THIRD recount of votes(set for only the most heavily Dim counties in FL) after the first TWO had shown Bush as the winner. That is the biggest piece of malarkey the Dims have tried to hold onto ever since 2000, and no one but nut jobs are buying it.
If Osama..oops Obama wins, and as a result any abortion law is expanded, and one single child is murdered that wouldn't have been otherwise, all those who vote for Barack Hussein Osama Bin Laden Obama al-Chicago will have that little baby's blood on their hands. I don't care if Obama was promising me a golden egg laying goose and could back it up with an ironclad guarantee, and McCain promised to take my house and give it to Bill Gates, I can not and will not ever vote for a pro-death candidate. Obama personally killed a bill in Illinois that would give "personhood" protection to babies who survived botched abortions, saying it might "undermine" the supreme god of the Dimocratic party, the almighty Roe v Wade. He has proven by his actions and his associations that he is a sick and pathetic excuse for a member of the human race, let alone unfit for office.
And what about blood spilled for fighting McCain's and Palin's holy war, which is supposed to usher in the "second coming" of Jesus Christ? Are you for voting to send men and women into battle for THAT? Is Jesus for killing innocent people so their land can be taken in the name of "Dominion Theology"?
Come on, get a grip. You're arguing politics. Politicians will always do what politicians do, regardless of their Political Party. They will NEVER change the world. The Republicans had both the Congress and the Presidency for several years. Did they overthrow Roe-v-Wade? No, they did not. Why? Because, like I said--they are POLITICIANS!
The only force capable of bringing true change is the Church!
The Bible is open to those that want Truth, and if they want Truth, they find Truth. They watch individuals squabble over Bible symbolism on the Internet, and leave the Message boards to enter into the real world where live people dwell, and they find Truth. The World Wide Web is full of Internet Ayatollahs who speak their mind. There is only one Truth, and it is not hidden. No matter what anyone says, Truth still converts the sincere. -DD Benincasa, 12/06/03
Thanks! You can’t pay off debt or wipe out debt by creating more debt. It’s very simple really.
My daughter who working at JC Penny part time while attending college called last night. She not been paid in two weeks, they informed the employee's money was tight, but assure them they be paid and some position will be cut. This is happen more and more!
And what about blood spilled for fighting McCain's and Palin's holy war, which is supposed to usher in the "second coming" of Jesus Christ? Are you for voting to send men and women into battle for THAT? Is Jesus for killing innocent people so their land can be taken in the name of "Dominion Theology"?
Come on, get a grip. You're arguing politics. Politicians will always do what politicians do, regardless of their Political Party. They will NEVER change the world. The Republicans had both the Congress and the Presidency for several years. Did they overthrow Roe-v-Wade? No, they did not. Why? Because, like I said--they are POLITICIANS!
The only force capable of bringing true change is the Church!
I disagreed with Bush on a bunch of things, but some of the positions I agreed with him on include:
The Patriot Act (and his terrorism and security stand in general)
No Child Left Behind (although that law needs some major tweaking)
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
And what about blood spilled for fighting McCain's and Palin's holy war, which is supposed to usher in the "second coming" of Jesus Christ? Are you for voting to send men and women into battle for THAT? Where did I ever say that? The men and women of our armed forces are serving voluntarily, not being pulled from the womb and having a drill rammed through the back of their head and their brains vacuumed out with no choice whatsoever. Is Jesus for killing innocent people so their land can be taken in the name of "Dominion Theology"?
Come on, get a grip. You're arguing politics. Politicians will always do what politicians do, regardless of their Political Party. They will NEVER change the world. The Republicans had both the Congress and the Presidency for several years. Did they overthrow Roe-v-Wade? With one more Justice like Roberts and Alito we will! And partial birth abortion is now a federal crime, no thanks to child murderers like B. Hussein O. No, they did not. Why? Because, like I said--they are POLITICIANS!
The only force capable of bringing true change is the Church!
So we should just toss in our hat with the baby killers? Not me.
__________________ The Truth will never be mainstream. The Truth will never be popular. Orthodox doctrine will always be false doctrine.
And what about blood spilled for fighting McCain's and Palin's holy war, which is supposed to usher in the "second coming" of Jesus Christ? Are you for voting to send men and women into battle for THAT? Is Jesus for killing innocent people so their land can be taken in the name of "Dominion Theology"?
Come on, get a grip. You're arguing politics. Politicians will always do what politicians do, regardless of their Political Party. They will NEVER change the world. The Republicans had both the Congress and the Presidency for several years. Did they overthrow Roe-v-Wade? No, they did not. Why? Because, like I said--they are POLITICIANS!
The only force capable of bringing true change is the Church!
What war have McCain and Palin ever referred to as a Holy War?
And what war have they said is supposed to usher in the second coming of Christ.
Give us facts, sir, not supposition and/or internet rumor.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
The SCOTUS stopped the THIRD recount of votes(set for only the most heavily Dim counties in FL) after the first TWO had shown Bush as the winner. That is the biggest piece of malarkey the Dims have tried to hold onto ever since 2000, and no one but nut jobs are buying it.
If Osama..oops Obama wins, and as a result any abortion law is expanded, and one single child is murdered that wouldn't have been otherwise, all those who vote for Barack Hussein Osama Bin Laden Obama al-Chicago will have that little baby's blood on their hands. I don't care if Obama was promising me a golden egg laying goose and could back it up with an ironclad guarantee, and McCain promised to take my house and give it to Bill Gates, I can not and will not ever vote for a pro-death candidate. Obama personally killed a bill in Illinois that would give "personhood" protection to babies who survived botched abortions, saying it might "undermine" the supreme god of the Dimocratic party, the almighty Roe v Wade. He has proven by his actions and his associations that he is a sick and pathetic excuse for a member of the human race, let alone unfit for office.
If that truly is the case, will those who voted for Republican presidents since 1980 have blood on their hands since 7 of the 9 justices were appointed by Republican presidents and legal abortions have continued?
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Irvin Baxter has asserted the end of the Bush presidency will usher the second coming of Christ ... no matter who the candidate is ....
Vote for Obama ... it won't matter.
Although Baxter has fought RealID in attempt to slow down His second coming?
We shouldn't get into speculation about when the Lord will come back. As soon as someone sets a date, I can guarantee what day He WON'T be coming back, because no one knows the day or the hour. We have to do what we feel is right as a Christian and as a patriot. I believe Barack Obama will make this country a worse place than it is now. I believe more innocent babies will die as a result. Do I think McCain will make everything better? No,(that kind of hero worship is reserved for the Obamites) but he certainly is the better candidate IMO.
__________________ The Truth will never be mainstream. The Truth will never be popular. Orthodox doctrine will always be false doctrine.