Rasmussen has usually proved to be more reliable and puts Obama one point ahead today at 46%. I read somewhere that these polls are behind by three days.
That's why I use RealClearPolitics.com . They average out all the major national polls, including Rasmussen. Any one poll can get it wrong, but a sit that averages all the major polls will give you a more reliable picture of things.
Anyway, broad national poll numbers don't really matter that much at this point, not nearly as much as electoral maps. Obama has the edge there, and it'll probably come down to a few battleground states like Pa, MI, and OH. Whoever wins those states will almost certainly take the election.
__________________ http://endtimeobserver.blogspot.com
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
That's why I use RealClearPolitics.com . They average out all the major national polls, including Rasmussen. Any one poll can get it wrong, but a sit that averages all the major polls will give you a more reliable picture of things.
Anyway, broad national poll numbers don't really matter that much at this point, not nearly as much as electoral maps. Obama has the edge there, and it'll probably come down to a few battleground states like Pa, MI, and OH. Whoever wins those states will almost certainly take the election.
So, didn't you find it very interesting that more people watched McCain than did Obama? Wouldn't you agree that they are not that shored up in favor of Obama to have done that?
Being that McCain's not a charismatic person, I found that very interesting.
And why are more men in favor of a McCain/Palin ticket? Why the men? The protectionists? Do they know that a three-house sweep is bad for the economy and the stock market?
That's why I use RealClearPolitics.com . They average out all the major national polls, including Rasmussen. Any one poll can get it wrong, but a sit that averages all the major polls will give you a more reliable picture of things.
Anyway, broad national poll numbers don't really matter that much at this point, not nearly as much as electoral maps. Obama has the edge there, and it'll probably come down to a few battleground states like Pa, MI, and OH. Whoever wins those states will almost certainly take the election.
It all comes down to MO PA MI OH FL CO NV and NM.
Bottom line, if McCain holds the states that voted for GWB then he wins. If he loses MO OH or FL it is over. If he picks up MI or PA it is a big win for McCain.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
dont confuse 3 million hits by insane liberals who think America is what is wrong with the world, with America listening.
but you are right. this is a big reason why I dont want this guy elected.
I found the reference in Jerome Corsi's book, The Obama Nation. Being it's been on the NY Best Seller's List, I'm thinking a good size viewership could have come from there as well.
Details of his actual sales, from a source with access to Nielsen BookScan, show that his book has vastly outstripped other recent political titles, notably books critical of John McCain. http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmi...ain_books.html
I'm not sure I will agree that 3,000,000 or even half were insane liberal viewers.
Bottom line, if McCain holds the states that voted for GWB then he wins. If he loses MO OH or FL it is over. If he picks up MI or PA it is a big win for McCain.
Did you know that he moved all of these states closer to the stage when he spoke and that this was the first time that anyone had such a low stage? He wanted to get down as close to their level as he could when he spoke to them. Thought that was a great idea.
The local Republicans in those states have got to be pounding the pavement and getting the word out if we're gonna have a slim hope of not being stripped bare naked for the world to beat up on by Obama.
That man scares me so much and the fanboyism I see from some of the die-hard Democratic base is just unbelievable.
The local Republicans in those states have got to be pounding the pavement and getting the word out if we're gonna have a slim hope of not being stripped bare naked for the world to beat up on by Obama.
That man scares me so much and the fanboyism I see from some of the die-hard Democratic base is just unbelievable.