Originally Posted by Rhoni
Obama would be the worst disaster since 9/11. He knows nothing about anything and probably needs his wife to tell him what clothes to wear.
I don't mind one thinking that Obama would be a terrible president. But to say he'd be the worst dissaster since 9/11 is to minimize the deaths of over 3,000 people. Obama may prove to be a terrible president if elected...but even the worst American president (in my opinion Bush) isn't anywhere near as terrible as the disaster that took place on 9/11. Seeing that 9/11 is only 6 days away...we need more reverence.
9/11 struck us a little close to home because Beth and Charlie (my cousins-in-law) lost their apartment with everything they owned (including their cat) because of the dust and debris. They weren't even allowed back on the premisis.
This is one reason why I broke ranks with conservatives. They seem to loose all sense of reality when attacking the enemy. And it can come off VERY insensitive and hurtful. Of course...many conservatives I know revel in being insensitive and hurtful. They think that's what makes a good conservative.
Sad really.