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Old 04-03-2007, 06:33 AM
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Old 04-04-2007, 09:28 AM
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Good Morning,
How are you doing this morning? It's a wonderful day to be a child of God. Have you ever watched a family member die in your presence and the family argued the entire time? You watched their body go through changes that you could not change. Have you ever experienced hell on earth? It seemed as though everything was on a downward spiral. Have you ever been falsely accused by another Believer. They took your service and placed it on trial through lies and deceit. Do you ever wonder why people enjoy causing chaos and confusion? No matter what goes on that person always finds something to complain about. Can you relate to any of these questions? Does this sound like anyone you know? Does this sound like you?

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you. My friend, Whatever Happened To Unity? Whatever happened to One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism? We are surrounded [today] by a family of Believers who desire to compete and compare with others. No longer willing to share with the less fortunate. No longer willing to fellowship with other races. Close-minded! The Bible declares in Psalms 133:1 - Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! How can we sing about heaven, which is full of God's glory and love, but not get along with each other ... God's creation. The Bible declares in 1 John 4:20 - If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? Whatever Happened To Unity?

My brother, my sister, we are one body serving One Lord. Many
debate whether Christ was black or white. We attempt to use
scripture to defend our answers. That matters not. What matters is that His blood was red. It was His blood, not His skin, that covered my sins. Whatever Happened To Unity? The Bible declares in 1 John 2:11 - But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. It's a new day. We must begin to change our mindset. We must evaluate ourselves. What can you do to make things better for others? Who can you assist? Does your job lack unity? Does your home and marriage lack unity. Does your church lack unity? The Bible declares in Matthew 18:19 - Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Thought to Remember: Where there is no
unity, there is division.

Scripture Reading for the Day: 1 Corinthians 14:33

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Minister Darrick D. McGhee

Copyright (c) 2007 Meditation Moments with Minister McGhee. All
Have a Blessed day, Rhoni
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Old 04-11-2007, 09:05 AM
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Good Morning,
On this day, April 11, this email comes to minister to you. Happy Wednesday! How are you doing this morning? It's a wonderful day to be a child of God. Do you realize how blessed you are?
In spite of the troubles, heartaches and pains, the Lord has always
been there to watch over us. Do you know that the Lord is so good? I mean so good. Even when you were deep in sin, His goodness allowed Him to surround us with unconditional love. When the enemy tried to prove our guilt, it was the Lord who pleaded our case. Have you noticed how far the Lord has brought you? Just think about the things you were doing before you committed yourself to His will. Think about the places you visited regularly, or the people you hung around. God is so good to us. Knowing how ungrateful we can be at times, He still continuously blesses us. Do you appreciate the Lord this morning? Are you glad that there is life still in your body? Are you allowing anger and bitterness to suck the life out of your days?
This morning, I am commissioned to come and minister to you. My
friend, You Don't Know My Story, What You See Is God's Glory! So
often in our lives, we meet people who applaud us for where we are in our lives. Every time you see them, (s)he always wants you to sing a song, tell a joke, pray a prayer, preach a sermon, or share your testimony. While that is fine, many people were not around when you were going through your breakdowns and let-downs. What they see today is the glory of God upon you. Many people do not know the price you have paid for the anointing you display. They do not understand how/why you shout and praise God all the time. The
Bible declares in Psalms 46:1 - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. You Don't Know My Story, What You See Is God's Glory! You must beware of people who try to come in your life after you have endured testing and trying. You must be careful with who you allow to speak into your ear. It was the Lord who brought you through the 'hell' in your life.

My brother, my sister, its not that you are arrogant or acting
holier than someone else. Its not that you think others are beneath
you. But you have been through enough in your life to declare that
you are not going back there anymore. The Bible declares in Psalms
40:2 - He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry
clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. The
passion people see in your eyes is the glory of God. The love you
display to everyone is the glory of God. The favor you enjoy in your life is the glory of God. You Don't Know My Story, What You See Is God's Glory! Stop apologizing because God is using you. There was a refining process God took you through. Stop allowing people to discourage what the Lord has spoken in your life.
What man does not understand, man questions and judges. Beloved, God brought you so that He could use you for this time. Do not go back in what the Lord took you out of. Live free in the Lord. There's a story to compliment God's glory.
Prayer for Today: Father, I want to thank you for everything you
brought me out of. I have a story behind the glory. I honor you
today. In Jesus' name ... Amen!

Scripture Reading for Today: John 8:36

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Minister Darrick D. McGhee

Copyright (c) 2007 Meditation Moments with Minister McGhee. All
rights reserved.
Have a Blessed Day, Rhoni
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:46 AM
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It's a wonderful day to be a child of God. Life is so amazing. You work so hard to achieve so many wonderful things, only to get them and realize its not what you thought it was. You work night and day to obtain the applauds of man, but along the way you compromised your relationship with the Lord.
Have you ever found yourself doing what you said you would never do? Have you ever found yourself saying what you thought you would never say? Have you ever found yourself acting in a way that is outside of your character? So often we do what we normally would not, we say what we usually would not, and we act in ways that are uncommon because we desire to please everyone we meet. We often say, "If they accept me, I will feel better." This is an untruthful statement. No matter how hard you work, there will always be someone who disapproves. Think about it ...

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you. When was the last time you attempted to adapt to the ways of your friends? When was the last time you did what you knew was unpleasing to the Lord? Why did you do it? After you did what you did, how did you feel? There comes a time, in each of our lives, when we must choose who we will serve. A person who confesses Christ, but lives for friends is a hypocrite (Matthew 6:24).
My friend, It Does Not Work That Way! God will never allow you to
abuse His blessings because you want to impress others. The Bible
declares in Exodus 32:26 - ... Who is on the Lord's side? let him come unto me ... How often do you say, "if you get me out of this, I will never do it again?" How often do you do it again? Do you realize how much the Lord really loves you? He knows before you say it, that you will do it again. In spite of it, He still loves you. How many people do you know like this?

My brother, my sister, the world we live in is fickle. People love you because of what they believe you can do for them. If you have nothing to offer, people do not want you near them. But God!
When the Lord chose you, He knew you had limitations. Why is it that we call on the Lord only in trouble, when He wants to be there always? It Does Not Work That Way! God desires daily fellowship with you. The Bible declares in Proverbs 8:17 - I love them that love me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me. Beloved, are you trying to live without God's guidance and protection? Do you think you can handle it alone? Are you deceiving yourself? It Does Not Work That Way! Child of God, the answer you need is found in the Lord. The guidance you seek comes through the Lord. The void
in your life can be filled by the Lord.
Prayer for Today: Father, I realize confessing you but living for others does not work. You have been faithful from day one. I belong to you.
Thank you for all you do. In Jesus' name ... Amen!

Scripture Reading for Today: Matthew 11:28

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Minister Darrick D. McGhee

Copyright (c) 2007 Meditation Moments with Minister McGhee. All
rights reserved.

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Old 04-12-2007, 11:00 AM
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It's a wonderful day to be a child of God. Have you ever had someone offend you? Either their words or their actions really hurt your feelings. With no regret or guilt, this individual hurt your feelings and walked off as if nothing wrong occurred. Have you ever offended someone?
Without thinking twice, you said the first thing that came into your
mind. After saying it, you knew it was wrong but you refused to
apologize. When was the last time you accepted someone's plea for
forgiveness? The individual who hurt you has not asked for your
forgiveness and hand of mercy. Have you forgiven them? Are you still harboring animosity toward someone or about something? Do you not know that uncontrolled anger will lead you to sin? The Word of God says, "Father forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." (Matthew 6:12)

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you. Are you aware that the forgiveness you seek from the Father comes> after you have forgiven the one who asked your forgiveness? Many times we think by smiling and acting as though everything is okay it pleases the Lord. Forgiveness is an action not a hidden secret. It requires you to step out of your flesh and self. My friend, Who Needs A Second Chance? Who are you angry with? Has your behavior changed because you have housed this bitterness? The enemy desires to shackle you down through your pride. The Bible declares in Matthew 6:14 - For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: Each person, at one point in their life, stands in need of God's merciful forgiveness. Each day we come up short in one way or another (Romans 3:23). The thing we said we would never do, we find ourselves doing it again (Romans 7). But each time, God is willing to forgive us our sins. Who Needs A Second Chance?

My brother, my sister, you will never experience true peace until
you release the anger you have on the inside. Put yourself in the
position of a person needing someone else's forgiveness. Would you
expect them to forgive you? Would you understand if they did not?
The Bible declares in Mark 11:26 - But if ye do not forgive, neither
will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. Beloved, Who Needs A Second Chance?
What if the Lord treated us the way we treat others when they seek
forgiveness? What if God turned His back on us the way we turn our
backs on others? The Bible declares in Matthew 5:23-24 - Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy
brother hath ought against thee; 24 Leave there thy gift before the
altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then
come and offer thy gift. Child of God, Who Needs A Second Chance?
Since the Lord has given you a second chance, do you owe someone else a second chance?
Prayer for Today: Father, forgive me for not forgiving my brother or sister. When I was in need of forgiveness, you forgave. Today, I will forgive those who asked for my forgiveness. In Jesus' name ... Amen!

Scripture Reading for Today: 1 John 1:9

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Minister Darrick D. McGhee

Copyright (c) 2007 Meditation Moments with Minister McGhee. All
rights reserved.
Enjoy, Rhoni
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Old 04-12-2007, 04:28 PM
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Falla39 Falla39 is offline
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The Spirit of Jonathon

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post

Enjoy, Rhoni
Sis. Rhoni,

This is a powerful article! Thanks for sharing it!


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Old 04-12-2007, 05:08 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Sis. Rhoni,

This is a powerful article! Thanks for sharing it!


Sis. Falla,

This article was timely for me...I have much anger in my heart toward many things/people. YOu can say that you have let it go but when it affects your family, your job, and your friends...then it is obvious that the problem is still there.

The thing that has come to my mind lately is the story of Jonah. God gave Jonah an assignment...and Jonah rebelled in his mind and heart saying the people of Nineveh were not worthy of Grace, mercy, and forgiveness...he wanted them to be destroyed. I know how he felt.

While Jonah was running from God's call on his life...there was chaos that broke out all around him. Even the people around him knew that God was not pleased with something...they just couldn't put their finger on it...but Jonah knew. As I know.

When Jonah confessed that he was the problem...he instructed the men in the boat to throw him over and calm would return. They did, and peace was restored to them, but Jonah was swallowed by the whale...who'd have thunk it? He cried, prayed, repented, and gave that whale/large fish a tummy ache. In God's time, the fish threw Jonah up on the shore of where he was meant to be all along.

God saved the people who Jonah preached to, and He saved Jonah from himself. Jonah had a change of heart and knew that you can't run from God...he'll find you and place you right back where you were meant to be all along.

The moral of the story: We know don't we?

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 04-12-2007, 07:41 PM
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Falla39 Falla39 is offline
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!

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The Spirit of Jonathon

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Sis. Falla,

This article was timely for me...I have much anger in my heart toward many things/people. YOu can say that you have let it go but when it affects your family, your job, and your friends...then it is obvious that the problem is still there.

The thing that has come to my mind lately is the story of Jonah. God gave Jonah an assignment...and Jonah rebelled in his mind and heart saying the people of Nineveh were not worthy of Grace, mercy, and forgiveness...he wanted them to be destroyed. I know how he felt.

While Jonah was running from God's call on his life...there was chaos that broke out all around him. Even the people around him knew that God was not pleased with something...they just couldn't put their finger on it...but Jonah knew. As I know.

When Jonah confessed that he was the problem...he instructed the men in the boat to throw him over and calm would return. They did, and peace was restored to them, but Jonah was swallowed by the whale...who'd have thunk it? He cried, prayed, repented, and gave that whale/large fish a tummy ache. In God's time, the fish threw Jonah up on the shore of where he was meant to be all along.

God saved the people who Jonah preached to, and He saved Jonah from himself. Jonah had a change of heart and knew that you can't run from God...he'll find you and place you right back where you were meant to be all along.

The moral of the story: We know don't we?

Blessings, Rhoni

Sis. Rhoni,

Yes, we do!!


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Old 04-13-2007, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Sis. Rhoni,

Yes, we do!!


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Old 05-01-2007, 07:11 AM
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Go, now, my little Book, to every place
Where my first Pilgrim has but shown his face:
Call at their door: if any say, Who’s there?
Then answer thou, Christiana is here.
If they bid thee come in, then enter thou,
With all thy boys; and then, as thou know’st how,
Tell who they are, also from whence they came;
Perhaps they’ll know them by their looks, or name:
But if they should not, ask them yet again,
If formerly they did not entertain
One Christian, a Pilgrim? If they say
They did, and were delighted in his way;
Then let them know that these related were
Unto him; yea, his wife and children are.
Tell them, that they have left their house and home;
Are turned Pilgrims; seek a world to come;
That they have met with hardships in the way;
That they do meet with troubles night and day;
That they have trod on serpents; fought with devils;
Have also overcome a many evils;
Yea, tell them also of the next who have,
Of love to pilgrimage, been stout and brave
Defenders of that way; and how they still
Refuse this world to do their Father’s will.
Go tell them also of those dainty things
That pilgrimage unto the Pilgrim brings.
Let them acquainted be, too, how they are
Beloved of their King, under his care;
What goodly mansions he for them provides;
Though they meet with rough winds and swelling tides,
How brave a calm they will enjoy at last,
Who to their Lord, and by his ways hold fast.
Perhaps with heart and hand they will embrace
Thee, as they did my firstling; and will grace
Thee and thy fellows with such cheer and fare,
As show well, they of Pilgrims lovers are.
But how if they will not believe of me
That I am truly thine? ‘cause some there be
That counterfeit the Pilgrim and his name,
Seek, by disguise, to seem the very same;
And by that means have wrought themselves into
The hands and houses of I know not who.
‘Tis true, some have, of late, to counterfeit
My Pilgrim, to their own my title set;
Yea, others half my name, and title too,
Have stitched to their books, to make them do.
But yet they, by their features, do declare
Themselves not mine to be, whose’er they are.
If such thou meet’st with, then thine only way
Before them all, is, to say out thy say
In thine own native language, which no man
Now useth, nor with ease dissemble can.
If, after all, they still of you shall doubt,
Thinking that you, like gypsies, go about,
In naughty wise the country to defile;
Or that you seek good people to beguile
With things unwarrantable; send for me,
And I will testify you pilgrims be;
Yea, I will testify that only you
My Pilgrims are, and that alone will do.
But yet, perhaps, I may enquire for him
Of those who wish him damned life and limb.
What shall I do, when I at such a door
For Pilgrims ask, and they shall rage the more?
Fright not thyself, my Book, for such bugbears
Are nothing else but groundless fears.
My Pilgrim’s book has traveled sea and land,
Yet could I never come to understand
That it was slighted or turned out of door
By any Kingdom, were they rich or poor.
In France and Flanders, where men kill each other,
My Pilgrim is esteemed a friend, a brother.
In Holland, too, ‘tis said, as I am told,
My Pilgrim is with some, worth more than gold.
Highlanders and wild Irish can agree
My Pilgrim should familiar with them be.
‘Tis in New England under such advance,
Receives there so much loving countenance,
As to be trimm’d, newcloth’d, and deck’d with gems,
That it might show its features, and its limbs.
Yet more: so comely doth my Pilgrim walk,
That of him thousands daily sing and talk.
If you draw nearer home, it will appear
My Pilgrim knows no ground of shame or fear:
City and country will him entertain,
With Welcome, Pilgrim; yea, they can’t refrain
From smiling, if my Pilgrim be but by,
Or shows his head in any company.
Brave gallants do my Pilgrim hug and love,
Esteem it much, yea, value it above
Things of greater bulk; yea, with delight
Say, my lark’s leg is better than a kite.
Young ladies, and young gentlewomen too,
Do not small kindness to my Pilgrim show;
Their cabinets, their bosoms, and their hearts,
My Pilgrim has; ‘cause he to them imparts
His pretty riddles in such wholsome strains,
As yield them profit double to thetr pains
Of reading; yea, I think I may be bold
To say some prize him far above their gold.
The very children that do walk the street,
If they do but my holy Pilgrim meet,
Salute him will; will wish him well, and say,
He is the only stripling of the day.
They that have never seen him, yet admire
What they have heard of him, and much desire
To have his company, and hear him tell
Those Pilgrim stories which he knows so well.
Yea, some that did not love him at first,
But call’d him fool and noddy, say they must,
Now they have seen and heard him, him commend
And to those whom they love they do him send.
Wherefore, my Second Part, thou need’st not be
Afraid to show thy head: none can hurt thee,
That wish but well to him that went before;
‘Cause thou com’st after with a second store
Of things as good, as rich, as profitable,
For young, for old, for stagg’ring, and for stable.
But some there be that say, He laughs too loud
And some do say, His Head is in a cloud.
Some say, His words and stories are so dark,
They know not how, by them, to find his mark.
One may, I think, say, Both his laughs and cries
May well be guess’d at by his wat’ry eyes.
Some things are of that nature, as to make
One’s fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache:
When Jacob saw his Rachel with the sheep,
He did at the same time both kiss and weep.
Whereas some say, A cloud is in his head;
That doth but show his wisdom’s covered
With its own mantles-and to stir the mind
To search well after what it fain would find,
Things that seem to be hid in words obscure
Do but the godly mind the more allure
To study what those sayings should contain,
That speak to us in such a cloudy strain.
I also know a dark similitude
Will on the curious fancy more intrude,
And will stick faster in the heart and head,
Than things from similes not borrowed.
Wherefore, my Book, let no discouragement
Hinder thy travels. Behold, thou art sent
To friends, not foes; to friends that will give place
To thee, thy pilgrims, and thy words embrace.
Besides, what my first Pilgrim left conceal’d,
Thou, my brave second Pilgrim, hast reveal’d;
What Christian left lock’d up, and went his way,
Sweet Christiana opens with her key.
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