Re: Your opinion of David Wilkerson?
I read "The Cross and the Switchblade" many years ago.
I've also read a couple more of his older books but nothing new for the past few years.
I've seen the movie "Cross and the Switchblade" with Pat Boone playing Wilkerson, not too good.
David Wilkerson has my deepest respect as a man of God. Several years ago I went to a local Assembly of God church to hear him speak. I was disappointed and dismayed. I expected him to be an orator or a preaching machine. I thought surely someone that is used of God the way he has been would be a polished, smooth preacher. He wasn't. It wasn't until later that I realized that his power and anointing is not in a smooth speaking approach but in results with many, many lives transformed by God's power.
I remember reading about him and others preaching on the streets. Some times the altar call would take 45 minutes as folks would slowly come down fire escapes from roof tops. They would kneel on the street, submit to Jesus, and be completely changed. (I know this doesn't fit OP theology but what else could you call them but new creatures and born again?)
I receive his sermon letters and he does indeed seem to be a prophet to me.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship