well i sure hope it works we need releif badly, lol
For real. My main concern with all these hybrids is what is going to happen with all these batteries in a few years. Also, unless the cost of these batteries goes down significantly, people are gonna end up with nice looking junk cars after just a few years of service.
That would depend on your commuting distance on a daily basis, DT. I can't remember the exact figures, but I seem to remember a car getting ready to be put into production that will go 75 miles or so on just the batteries. A car like that would be perfect for going back and forth to work, depending on how far you drive.
Tesla Motors is producing a car that they say will go 220 Miles.
cost to fill up the batteries is like $4.50
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Say what? For $109K it had better be as long and wide as a Hummer, include wide screen tvs, built in internet access, cell phone, On Star, Sirius, and a butler to serve me my ginger ale as I cruise down the road!!!
I'm an "OIL MAN" but.... Yeah mm hmmm and you are not invested in these now? LOL! Yes, I think alternative energy needs to be developed BUT not if it is not efficient. We don't need to prop up bad ideas just because it's alternative.
Why is wind power a bad idea?
The way Pickens explains it, it would be efficient.
Originally Posted by DividedThigh
the plan as it stands is not workable, solar and wind wont do for cars, next, lol, dt
Even if it doesn't work for cars, it can still provide cheaper electricity (for homes and businesses) than the current system.
Oil is a key factor in making electricity today, so if we can replace a significant portion of that oil using the already existing wind power, then that's a good thing. It would help reduce our foreign dependency on oil, and thats a good thing.
__________________ http://endtimeobserver.blogspot.com
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.