When I hear of people being planted I think of cemetaries.
Being planted somewhere has less to do with the church and pastor. I know folks who uprooted themselves and followed the guy or they lost their walk with God altogether when the pastor left.
On the other hand, if you acknowledge someone as being your pastor, you should have the expectation to talk with him at a minimum about a move.
I am not sure about this pastor blessing a move stuff, sometimes people, saints and pastors are too self serving to make an honest decision.
I used to have a pastor who literally thought you were out of the blessing plan of God if you didn't consult him on things like buying a car, going to visit unsaved family members, moving to another house, etc. I finally told him I wasn't going to come ask his permission every time I wanted to spend $50. He told me it was fine but not to be surprised if God stopped blessing me. It was another step in my leaving that church. lol
We were just transitioning out of this age when I was in my early teens (the 80's). There was still an attitude that said people need to stay in the same town and church that they were born in. Your dating choices were the couple of girls/guys who happened to be part of your congregation, and the local factory was hiring for a lifetime of shift work.
Personally, I think one of the best things to happen in human history is the trend of people moving much farther away from their families after moving our or marriage. Certain ties need to be broken.... For the family as well as the church family.
I wish I was closer to my family. We all are in the same state (my side of this marriage anyway), but it's still too far to see each other very often. My wife's family is in California. She hasn't seen some of them since she was a child.
I was just wondering how many apostolics are still where the Lord planted them? By that I mean, are you are still under the same Pastor that you were when you got faith, repented, was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and rec'd the Holy Ghost?
Also, if you've left, did you leave with your Pastor's blessing?
Am I saying something bad by stating that I can't remember where it was that I spoke in tongues for the first time?
I got faith, repented, was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ as a child in my Dad's Apostolic church.
I joined the USMC and my Dad refused to sign the release papers for me-- my Mom did so instead.
He bid me farewell before I left for bootcamp so I guess I had his blessing...
That was back in 1995.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
First, do you believe that you have to stay where you got the faith, repented, was baptized and received the HG to be planted?
I'm currently in the church where I was baptized in the NAME and rec'd the Holy Ghost back in 1988, however I did not always stay there. In retrospect, it would have been better for me to have always stayed there and not left to go to a different church in the same city.
My pastor has always taught that for MAJOR decisions in life, it is good to ask for counsel - in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety. However, he also teaches that he doesn't believe God cares which brand of toothpaste we use and that we should bother our pastor about LITTLE things like that.
My personal opinion is the same - MAJOR decisions, I think it would be safe to talk to the pastor about - LITTLE decisions, it does not matter. I think this is wisdom.
In my life, I was a charismatic (for about 1.5 years), full-gospel, easy-believer, single young man around 20, when I noticed that I kept falling into a certain sin and couldn't get the victory over it. Also at that time, I had made a decision to enroll in a college outside of the province where I was living with my family and going to a charismatic church (not oneness). So one night after giving in to sin AGAIN, I went to my room and repented and part of my heart-felt prayer to God in tears was that if I wasn't believing the right things and was not going to the right church, then when I move to the new city I prayed that God would lead me to the church that HE wanted me to go to. Within my first week of moving to the new city after I had gotten all of my wordly priorities accounted for, I determined the next w/end to look for a church to go to. Well before that w/end came, while cashiering at 7-11, a man bought something and gave me an invitation on paper to come to his church and he started to walk away. So I told him, wait I'm looking for a church to go to and so we made arrangements for me to visit his UPC apostolic church.
That was the church where God lead me to truth and I was born again of the water and Spirit - baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of my sins and the supernatural baptism of the Holy Ghost; incidentally, God gave me the victory over the sin that I could NOT get the victory over being a charismatic.
I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God heard and answered my prayer by leading me to the church that HE wanted me to go to.
I believe changing churches is a MAJOR decision and not a minor one.
Jer 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls...
I was just wondering how many apostolics are still where the Lord planted them? By that I mean, are you are still under the same Pastor that you were when you got faith, repented, was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and rec'd the Holy Ghost?
Also, if you've left, did you leave with your Pastor's blessing?
When my parents moved they didn't ask me if I wanted to go, they ripped me up by the roots and hauled my behind out of state.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop