Church Alive of Atlanta
We celebrated Caribbean Sunday today at Church Alive of Atlanta. Our congregation is about 70% Caribbean and wow did we have a great time. The Praise Team did an awesome job bringing us into the presence of the Lord. We are really pushing to average 100+ by May 1 which will be our First year Anniversary! We planted this church on May 1, 2006. We had 87 today so we are averaging around 82 for this month.
Our Special Guest was Pastor Herro Blair, JR and wife from Faith Cathedral Deliverance Centre in Georgetown, Grand Cayman. His Parents are the famous Bishop Herro Blair and Dr. Alma Blair of Faith Cathedral Deliverance Centre in Kingston, Jamaica.
Pastor Blair related that when he was in primary school in 1979 - I had come to preach for his Dad (he made me feel OLD!) and how God used me to impact his life and shape his ministry down through the years. He was very kind and preached and incredible Message!
He tore the house up! He preached a powerful message on What To Do When The Storms Of Life Come! He concluded by giving several specific Words of Prophecy to members of the congregation. There was much rejoicing and Praising God from the beginning until the end. We had 8 first time guests today.