Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Daniel, this is excellent preaching.
I agree with his statements regarding spiritual opression within the church.
I will admit to experiencing it during my current pastorate.
There are strongholds within our cities, our church psyche and our own minds that we must be busy tearing down.
The trouble is, as Brother Wilson so aptly stated, often we are blind to these strongholds. This is why we need folks in the local church with discernment.
BTW, he is speaking about a specific CHURCH he visited. That he was told to have active compassion on them even though he was revolted by the look and feel of the church. I think my admiration for the man just grew.
What if his prayers were/are the difference for this church?
Amazing thought.
Originally Posted by tstew
I'm not quite sure what the carpets had to do with a spiritual stronghold but.....
Surely his points on overcoming strongholds ... are well founded ...
they are all around us ...
but I wonder if this is an approach that is unique to the meeting and issue that they were addressing several years ago ... whatever it may be .... or is this a pervasive attitude towards those one may disagree with?
I have questions about entering a business meeting of your peers in your circle of fellowship and leaving w/ the impression that they are "oppressed" ... however.
So much so that you are angry enough to beat on your car steering wheel when you're done?
NW relates the decrepitness of a building with the meeting itself.
Is it me ...or does one have to spiritualize business meetings and disagreements among your peers ...?
In describing the meeting he states:
"The feelings were deadness ... The proceedings were deadness".
"They don't know they are oppressed ... "They dont know it but their work is oppressed"
I don't know what the "issue" was about but did this type of thinking carry over to the TV issue and other points of disagreement.
Perceptions of ministers living in spiritual squalor means what ... PP??
In NW's view ... He doesn't intend to live the rest of his life "accommodating weakness" ... "being a man-pleaser" ... and "accommodating that which is not of God". Which in it of itself I agree with ... but in the context of the WWPF ... this has to do w/ a box w/ wires.
I don't disagree w/ the notion that we fight against princes of darkness and principalities ... but I wonder if we think our brother is oppressed because "they've allowed things" we disagree with ... if so .... Does that skew your approach in handling conflicts and differences of opinions?
Sounds like you are w/ me or against me.
If these are indeed spiritual strongholds in the lives of one's ministerial lives ... then prayer is the only weapon that should be in order ....
Just thinking out loud. Sorry if no one agrees, doesn't know what I'm talking about or if you think this is a stretch.