Stmatt- One of the best things about the forum was that Bro. Yohe was using it more or less like a think tank.
He invited people with substance behind their opinions to write articles that were in fact "peer reviewed" on the board. This does not happen anywhere else in our Apostolic circles so far as I know.
The Pentecostal Herald avoids any real debate or thought-provoking articles, contininuing to only allow what speaks the party line. Pentecostal Publishing House only prints books that line up with the manual.
Bro. Yohe was interested in ideas of whatever stripe so long as they were articulated well and had substance to them. Opinions off the top of one's head and and/or unexamined traditional rhetoric wouldn't make a good article for the forum and Jim Yohe knew that.
His vision made for interesting reading and lively debate as we dug into the topic; and drew in quality posters.
It would be good to have articles again. Peer review is something that is sorely lacking in most circles that think we must all speak with the same voice.