Originally Posted by Sam
Maybe God put the two of you together to complement one another.
Reminder: if any two people are exactly alike, one of them is unnecessary.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Bro. & Sis. Coonskinner,
It has seemed my hubby and I are opposites . I had wondered
why it seemed that
opposites really did attract. Then it
dawned on me,
if we were not opposite, there would be no fire.
There must be a negative and positive, as in electricity, or
there will be no power or fire! God made it that way for a reason.
You can't get a connection when attaching jumper cables to the
battery posts except there is a negative and a positive. Opposites!
There must be a negative and a positive to produce a current. In
electricity there must be a male and a female connection to be able
to plug into an electical outlet and get power. Won't work otherwise!
God formed the first man in His image and then took a piece out
of man and made him an opposite. An helpmeet, or mate.
How is a wife and the Holy Spirit alike? Both are helpers. One is
called along side to help in the natural and the other called along-
side to help in the spiritual.
That's enough for now!!
Once again, Happy Anniversary, you two!!!
Blessings abundant, in Jesus Name!