Here are a couple...
? I have a question
? I don't understand what you mean
?4U I have a question for you
;S Gentle warning, like "Hmm? what did you say?"
^ Meaning read line or message above
<3 Meaning sideways heart (love, friendship)
<33 Meaning heart (more 3s is a bigger heart)
@TEOTD At the end of the day
.02 My (or your) two cents worth
121 One-to-one (private chat initiation)
1DR I wonder
2G2BT Too good to be true
TMI Too much information
2MORO Tomorrow
IDK I don't know
411 Meaning 'information'
4COL For crying out loud
4EV Forever and ever
4NR Foreigner
^5 High-five
CT Cutie
AMF As a matter of fact
AAK Asleep at keyboard
AAMOF As a matter of fact
AAMOI As a matter of interest
AAP Always a pleasure
AAR At any rate
AAS Alive and smiling
AATK Always at the keyboard
ABT About
ABT2 Meaning About to
ACK Acknowledge
ADAD Another day, another dollar
ADD Address
ADDY Address
ADN Any day now
ADR Address
AEAP As early as possible
AFC Away from computer
AFAIK As far as I know
AFAP As far as possible
AFJ April Fool's joke
AFK Away from keyboard
AFPOE A fresh pair of eyes
AH At home
AIGHT Alright
AIR As I remember
AISB As it should be
AISB As I said before
AISI As I see it
AITR Adult in the room
AKA Also known as
ALCON All concerned
AML All my love
AOM Age of majority
AOTA All of the above
AOYP Angel on your pillow
APAC All praise and credit
AQAP As quick (or quiet) as possible
ASIG And so it goes
ASAP As soon as possible
A/S/L Age/sex/location
ASL Age/sex/location
ASLA Age/sex/location/availability
AT At your terminal
ATM At the moment
ATSITS All the stars in the sky
ATSL Along the same line (or lines)
AWC After awhile crocodile
AWOL Away without leaving
AYDY Are you done yet?
AYEC At your earliest convenience
AYOR At your own risk
AYSOS Are you stupid or something?
AYS Are you serious?
AYT Are you there?
AYTMTB And you're telling me this because
B Back
B/F Boyfriend
B/G Background (personal information request)
B4 Before
B4N Bye for now
BAG Busting a gut
BAK Back at keyboard
BAU Business as usual
BAY Back at ya
BB Be back
BBC Big bad challenge
BBIAF Be back in a few
BBIAM Be back in a minute
BBIAS Be back in a sec
BBL Be back later
BBN Bye, bye now
BBS Be back soon
BBT Be back tomorrow
BC Because
B/C Because
BC Be cool
BCNU Be seeing you
BCOS Because
BD Big deal
BDAY Birthday
B-DAY Birthday
BFAW Best friend at work
BFF Best friend
BFF Best friends forever
BFFL Best friends for life
BFFN Best friend for now
BFN Bye for now
BG Big grin
BGWM Be gentle with me
BHL8 Be home late
BIB Boss is back
BIF Before I forget
BIL Brother in law
BION Believe it or not
BLNT Better luck next time
BME Based on my experience
BM&Y Between me and you
BOL Best of luck
BOLO Be on the look out
BOOMS Bored out of my skull
BPLM Big person little mind
BRB Be right back
BRD Bored
BRT Be right there
BTA But then again
BTDT Been there, done that
BTW By the way
BWL Bursting with laughter
BYTM Better you than me
C&G Chuckle & grin
CB Coffee break
CB Chat break
CID Consider it done
CLAB Crying like a baby
CM Call me
CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong
CMON Come on
CNP Continued (in) next post
COB Close of business
COS Because
C/P Cross post
CP Chat post (or continue in IM)
CR8 Create
CRB Come right back
CRBT Crying really big tears
CRS Can't remember stuff
CSG Chuckle, snicker, grin
CSL Can't stop laughing
CT Can't talk
CTC Care to chat
CU See you
CU2 See you
CUA See you around
CUL8R See you later
CWOT Complete waste of time
CWYL Chat with you later
CYA See you
CYAL8R See you later
CYE Check your e-mail
CYO See you online
DBAU Doing business as usual
DD Dear (or Darling) daughter
DIKU Do I know you?
DIS Did I say?
DKDC Don't know, don't care
D/L Download
DLBBB Don't let (the) bed bugs bite
DM Doesn't matter
DQMOT Don't quote me on this
DS Dear (or Darling) son
DTS Don't think so
DUPE Duplicate
DV8 Deviate
DW Dear (or Darling) wife
DWF Divorced white female
DWM Divorced white male
E1 Everyone
EBKAC Error between keyboard and chair
ED Erase display
EF4T Effort
EG Evil grin
EIP Editing in progress
EMA E-mail address
EMSG E-mail message
ENUF Enough
EOD End of day
EOL End of life
EOM End of message
ES Erase screen
EVA Ever
EZY Easy
F Meaning female
F2F Face to face
FBF Fat boy food (e.g. pizza, burgers, fries)
FBM Fine by me
FC Fingers crossed
FICCL Frankly I couldn't care a less
FIIOOH Forget it, I'm out of here
FIMH Forever in my heart
FISH First in, still here
FITB Fill in the blank
FOMC Falling off my chair
FOMCL Falling off my chair laughing
FRT For real though
FTBOMH From the bottom of my heart
FTW For the win
FUBAR Fouled up beyond all recognition
FUBB Fouled up beyond belief
FWIW For what it's worth
FYEO For your eyes only
FYA For your amusement
FYI For your information
G Grin
G Giggle
G/F Girlfriend
G2CU Good to see you
G2G Got to go
G2R Got to run
G9 Genius
GA Go ahead
GAL Get a life
GAS Got a second?
GB Goodbye
GBU God bless you
GDR Grinning, ducking, and running
GFI Go for it
GF Girl friend
GFN Gone for now
GIAR Give it a rest
GIGO Garbage in, garbage out
GJ Good job
GL Good luck
GL/HF Good luck, have fun
GLNG Good luck next game
GMTA Great minds think alike
GN Good night
GNSD Good night, sweet dreams
GOI Get over it
GOL Giggling out loud
GR8 Great
GRATZ Congratulations
GRL Girl
GRWG Get right with God
GR&D Grinning, running and ducking
GT Good try
GTG Got to go
GTRM Going to read mail
GTSY Great (or good) to see you
HAU How about you?
H&K Hugs & kisses
H2CUS Hope to see you soon
H8 Hate
HAGN Have a good night
HAGO Have a good one
HAND Have a nice day
HB Hurry back
HBU How about you?
HF Have fun
HHIS Head hanging in shame
HOAS Hold on a second
HRU How are you?
HTH Hope this helps
IAC In any case
IAE In any event
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IB I'm back
IC I see
ICAM I couldn't agree more
ICBW It could be worse
ICEDI I can't even discuss it
IDK I don't know
IDTS I don't think so
IDUNNO I don't know
IG2R I got to run
IGN I (I've) got nothing
IIRC If I remember correctly
IK I know
IKR I know, right?
ILBL8 I'll be late
ILU I love you
ILUM I love you man
ILY I love you
IM Instant message
IMAO In my arrogant opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IMS I am sorry
IMSB I am so bored
IMTM I am the man
IMU I miss u (you)
IOMH In over my head
IOW In other words
IRL In real life
IRMC I rest my case
ISLY I still love you
ITYK I thought you knew
IUSS If you say so
IWALU I will always love you
IYKWIM If you know what I mean
IYO In your opinion
IYSS If you say so
j00 You
j00r Your
JAC Just a sec
JAM Just a minutes
JFF Just for fun
JIC Just in case
JJA Just joking around
JK Just kidding
JMO Just my opinion
JP Just playing
JTLYK Just to let you know
JW Just wondering
K Okay
KK Knock, knock
K8T Katie
k/b Keyboard
KEYA I will key you later
KEYME Key me when you get in
KFY Kiss for you
KISS Keep it simple, stupid
KIT Keep in touch
KOC Kiss on cheek
KOL Kiss on lips
KNIM Know what I mean?
KPC Keeping parents clueless