she should stay put, not concede, sew all the confusion she can, lol
Most of the states which Obama won traditionally go republican in the Fall. Hillary won the majority of states that are swing states or normally go Democrat!
The more she waits the more crediblity she loses .... IMO. And she and her husband have lost quite a bit in this campaign ... especially among the African-American community.
The more she waits the more crediblity she loses .... IMO. And she and her husband have lost quite a bit in this campaign ... especially among the African-American community.
She's embarassing herself at this point.
Amen, that and causing wounds that may never heal.
I don't think so. I think we need to know about OBAMA. There is a problem there. I know he was for the Palestinians prior to 1990's. I worry about a candidate that would be against Israel.
I just don't want him to be President...scarey!
Fact is,she has to.All the supper deles will be in Fri.Guess she's waiting.Obama is Satan the head false prophet of the false church,part of the 2nd. beast of Rev.13:.He has three and one half yrs.
Fact is,she has to.All the supper deles will be in Fri.Guess she's waiting.Obama is Satan the head false prophet of the false church,part of the 2nd. beast of Rev.13:.He has three and one half yrs.