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Branhamism Discussion of distinctive doctrines of William M. Branham.

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Old 05-28-2008, 07:06 PM
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

For those interested here is a link to a page hosting over 1,100 (yes you read that correctly) of William Branham's sermons. It is from the website of a church here in Tennessee.

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Old 05-28-2008, 07:15 PM
Dr. Vaughn

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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

ERIK - I have never read words that are more true-------
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Old 05-28-2008, 07:50 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

"Its the reason the Hutu's killed the Tutsi's in Rawanda (neither one existed before the Dutch got there and divided people into either group depending on who looked a bit more "white" in their porportions) ... because they weren't fully "them"."

Erik, check your history a little closer. This is historical revisionism. These groups have different enough DNA markers, that they can be identified by a check of their DNA.
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Old 05-28-2008, 07:52 PM
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Did Jesus not say... if their not against us their for us?

Why do you guys seem to literally hate this brother? What did he ever do to you? So, he had ideas that were outside the main stream, he still countless good in his life,, helped millions of people... and brought to millions to Christ.. over 40,000 in one service alone.,., with the Acts 2:38 message... what is the personal hate about?

I don't recall anyone saying that they hate dear Bro. Branham. The real question is why are you spending so much time and energy on propagating him here? Do you think we don't about WB? Maybe we just don't choose to fall down before him like it appears that his followers do.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
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Old 05-28-2008, 07:53 PM
Broken Broken is offline
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
I don't recall anyone saying that they hate dear Bro. Branham. The real question is why are you spending so much time and energy on propagating him here? Do you think we don't about WB? Maybe we just don't choose to fall down before him like it appears that his followers do.


YOU PREACH IT...!!!!!!!
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Old 05-28-2008, 07:55 PM
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Dr. Vaughn,

With all due respect you seem to very quickly jump to conclusions.

I have noticed this is just one of several times you have used the word "hate" in regards to post about WB when the posts in no way indicated any "hatred"

Is this just a case of victim mentality?

Please don't confuse disdain, dismay, bemusement, amusement, etc, etc with "hatred".

No doubt there are many wonderful people, probably including yourself, who have been deluded into raising this man and his erroneous doctrines into something bigger than life.

If for a moment you leave his doctrinal error out of the discussion and just look at his healing ministry, bapitsm ministry, etc then one could say he was a successful preacher who did the Lord's work.

However once you start elevating him to sole status as THE prophet of this church age and fixate on his sermons, sayings, conclusions, etc that is indefensibile and where the bemusement, amusement, dismay and disdain you mistake for hatred comes in.
*BUMP* For the good Dr.
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Old 05-28-2008, 08:29 PM
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

This interview was proably from the Voice Of Healing days.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 05-28-2008, 08:32 PM
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

I praise God for the miracles that happened under the ministry of Brother Branham,but I can't embrace this seventh angel stuff or the serpent seed doctrine.
Nor can I say if a woman cuts her hair her husband can divorce her.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 05-28-2008, 09:54 PM
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
"Its the reason the Hutu's killed the Tutsi's in Rawanda (neither one existed before the Dutch got there and divided people into either group depending on who looked a bit more "white" in their porportions) ... because they weren't fully "them"."

Erik, check your history a little closer. This is historical revisionism. These groups have different enough DNA markers, that they can be identified by a check of their DNA.
No I think im right. Back at ya friend..



The Hutu are the largest of the three ethnic groups in Burundi and Rwanda; according to the United States Central Intelligence Agency, 84% of Rwandans[1] and 85% of Burundians[2] are Hutu, although other sources have found statistics that differ by several percent.[3] The division between the Hutu and the Tutsi (the larger of the other two groups) is based more upon social class than ethnicity, as there are no significant lingual, physical, or cultural differences between them. (The Twa pygmies, the smallest of Rwanda and Burundi's three groups, also share language and culture with the Hutu and Tutsi, but are much shorter and have agreed-upon genetic differences.)[4][5]

[edit] Competing theories about origins
Main article: Origins of Tutsi and Hutu
The Hutu arrived in Africa's Great Lakes region from what is now Chad during the 11th century, displacing the Twa pygmies,[6] and dominated the area with a series of small kingdoms until the arrival of the Tutsi. Several theories exist to explain the Tutsi and their differences (if any) from the Hutu. One is that the Tutsi were a Hamitic people who migrated south from what is now Ethiopia, conquering the Hutu kingdoms and establishing dominance over the Hutu and Twa between the 15th and 18th centuries.[6] However, an alternate theory, that the Hutu and Tutsi were originally one people, but were artificially divided by German and then Belgian colonists so the Tutsi minority could serve as local overseers for Berlin and Brussels, has received support among those supporting Rwandan national unity, but may be an attempt at historical revisionism.[7][8] Still others suggest that the two groups are related but not identical, and that the differences between the two were exacerbated by Europeans[9] or by a gradual, natural split as those who owned cattle became known as Tutsi and those who did not became Hutu.[5] Mahmood Mamdani states that the Belgian colonial power designated people as Tutsi or Hutu on the basis of cattle ownership, physical measurements and church records.[10]

[edit] Post-colonial history of the Hutu and Tutsi
The Belgian-sponsored Tutsi monarchy survived until 1959, when Kigeli V was exiled from the colony (then called Ruanda-Urundi.) In Burundi, Tutsis, who are the minority, maintained control of the government and military. In Rwanda, the political power was transferred from the minority Tutsi to the majority Hutu.

In Burundi, a campaign of genocide was conducted against Hutu population in 1972,[11] [12] [13] [14] [15] and an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 Hutus died.[16][17] In 1993, Burundi's first democratically elected president and also a Hutu, Melchior Ndadaye, was assassinated by Tutsi militia. This sparked a genocide by Hutu leaders of as many as 400,000 Tusis.

The conflict resulted in genocide in Rwanda as well.[18] Tutsis, however, remained in control of Burundi. During the Rwandan Genocide of 1994, extremists killed[19] an estimated 800,000 Rwandans, mainly Tutsis as well as moderate Hutus.[20] About 30% of the Twa population of Rwanda also died in the fighting.[21]

As of 2006, violence between the Hutu and Tutsi has subsided, but the situation in both Rwanda and Burundi is still tense, and tens of thousands of Rwandans are still living outside the country (see Great Lakes refugee crisis).[1]
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Old 05-28-2008, 10:39 PM
WyoPastor WyoPastor is offline
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Did Jesus not say... if their not against us their for us?

Why do you guys seem to literally hate this brother? What did he ever do to you? So, he had ideas that were outside the main stream, he still countless good in his life,, helped millions of people... and brought to millions to Christ.. over 40,000 in one service alone.,., with the Acts 2:38 message... what is the personal hate about?
I don't hate him, but some of his doctrines are so far out there that it cast doubt on all of us. The main problem I have is that his followers pretty much worship him and have not continued to grow in their walk with God.
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