Originally Posted by Rico
Isn't that one of those "starve the body of carbs" type of diet?
The diet is in three phases.
The First Phase is essentially the first two weeks. The first two weeks you take in virtually no carbs. I lost 18 lbs. during this period.
The Second Phase begins with the third week and lasts until you reach your desired weight. On the second phase you're allowed to eat whole grains and whole wheat breads, whole wheat pastas, etc. You're carb intake is limited but it's not too bad.
The Third Phase begins the moment you reach your desired weight and is maintained for the rest of your life. In this phase you are encouraged to continue eating the good carbs and things you've grown accustomed to eating in the previous phases. However, you're allowed limited portions of whatever you like. You will commit to watching your weight daily or weekly. You're weight is expected to fluctuate somewhat, however, if your weight climbs 5 lbs. you are advised to begin Phase One or Two again to shed those pounds and your back to phase 3. So it's a lifestyle of ongoing weight maintenance.
My doctor highly recommended the diet along with significantly increasing my intake of antioxidants and omega3s.