The purpose of my post was to bring to the forefront the marvelous,
miraculous infallibility of Deity and at the same time humorously accentuate the fallibility of our carnal, fleshly nature.
My sole intent was to
edify the created and give
glory to the Creator.
I certainly did NOT intend to be perceived as a, (as one poster described me), a “smartelic”.
While we wallow in debate over our differences, God Almighty goes ahead and reveals Himself as who He really is;
The ALMIGHTY who became flesh in order to redeem us from our fallen, sinful nature.
When we seriously seek God, as he was sought in Acts chapter 2…. as he was sought at Azusa….
When we seek Him, as in Matt 6:33 and 7:7…..
We will and do find Him……
Someone else has already said it on this thread, in so many words, WE FIND WHAT WE LOOK FOR.
If I am looking to please God….I will be able to do so.
If I am looking to please my flesh…. I will be
allowed to do so…
Let’s please Him…..
for His glory.
Blessings to all
PS to admin.
Sorry about the one line which NEEDED to be deleted from my original post.
I usually post on a minister/pastor thread, where those issues are discussed.
I trust this post is more “post-able”.