Originally Posted by Tina
What I was going to post seems so insignificant after reading that..... I'm gonna think a while longer before posting mine.
Tina, I sincerely believe that's exactly what all of us are. One miracle after another. We are a miracle at our conception. Then as we grow and develop in our mother's wombs, we become miracle after miracle, day after day.
our birth is certainly a wonderful miracle. And the ball just keeps rolling from there.
Maybe the fact that I get to watch these little miracles grow day after day here in my home daycare plays significantly into my point of view. Who knows? I'll tell you tho, I've done this for over 20+ years. I can't even tell you how many babies I've watched take their first steps in my home. And every single time, it has moved me to tears. It is just such a huge miracle to watch! Just think one little sperm and one tiny egg unite together and grow. And 9 months later a little person is born. And about a year or so after that, that little person learns to stand and walk on two legs that didn't even exist when he or she was still a sperm and an egg separate from one another.
Then to watch as the children grow and learn and develop day after day. And now I have a 14 year old and an 18 year old. An 18 year old just ready to step off the precipice and try his wings on his own at college for the first time. Who would have thought?
I could go on and on, but I know you get the picture. Isn't our GOD amazing!!! What a creator!!!