I am pleased with the courts decision. It was absurd to argue that lethal injection was "cruel and unusual punishment" but just the sort of absurdity that seems to happen a lot in our politically correct world these days.
Hey, CCUno!!! I've been wondering where you've been. Hope all is well!!!!
I am pleased with the courts decision. It was absurd to argue that lethal injection was "cruel and unusual punishment" but just the sort of absurdity that seems to happen a lot in our politically correct world these days.
Doesn't seem absurd to me. I don't know about the anesthetic used in lethal injections, but there have been thousands of surgeries performed where the patient was awake but paralyzed.
"The frequency of anesthesia awareness has been found to range between 1 and 2 per 1,000 patients undergoing general anesthesia. (The administration of general anesthesia to 21 million patients annually in the US translates to the occurrence of 20,000 to 40,000 cases of anesthesia awareness each year.)"
i find it odd also that what they want matters at all, what about the person or persons they killed did they have a choice, is just ignorant that anything the criminal wants or says matters, but that is what happened when a bunch of good intentioned do gooders get involved, imho,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
i find it odd also that what they want matters at all, what about the person or persons they killed did they have a choice, is just ignorant that anything the criminal wants or says matters, but that is what happened when a bunch of good intentioned do gooders get involved, imho,dt
God wants to save them and bring them to Heaven, doesn't He? Is God one of those "do-gooders"?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
God wants to save them and bring them to Heaven, doesn't He? Is God one of those "do-gooders"?
god wants to save all of us timmer but we still suffer the consequences for our behavior in the here and now, god is all the good in any of us, the do gooders in our world are mostly mislead and aint helpin nobody, but themselves, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
then dont, this is still america you have the right to your opinion, dt
Hmm. Think about this: an execution cuts short the time available for hearing and responding the to Gospel. Who are we to decide when to put a halt to someone's potential salvation (from the OP etc point of view)? I would think that the standard view among OPs and others would be firmly against capital punishment, for that one reason alone!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Hmm. Think about this: an execution cuts short the time available for hearing and responding the to Gospel. Who are we to decide when to put a halt to someone's potential salvation (from the OP etc point of view)? I would think that the standard view among OPs and others would be firmly against capital punishment, for that one reason alone!
If knowing that you are going to be executed isn't reason enough to repent, then there simply will never be reason enough.
Hmm. Think about this: an execution cuts short the time available for hearing and responding the to Gospel. Who are we to decide when to put a halt to someone's potential salvation (from the OP etc point of view)? I would think that the standard view among OPs and others would be firmly against capital punishment, for that one reason alone!
These are my thoughts too, Tim Man!!! (not to be confused with TinMan, which is my good friend from Oz.)