Before I became a OP I have heard them called a cult. Now of course I know they are not b/c I haven't found anything they teach outside the bible.
But I will tell you this and I say this b/c I was one. Mormons/LDS are close to being a cult, b/c they follow the teaching of Joseph Smith. I would even call them a little brainwashed. I don't say that being mean. My father died 20 yrs. ago a Mormon and my mom and 1 sister are still today. Mormons are extremely kind and will go out of their way to do whatever they can for you. However, it's not their actions, but their beliefs that make them close to a cult. I have studied long and hard into the LDS doctrine vs. Oneness so I can win some of my family. It's not easy, but I am grateful that out of 5 sisters and 2 brothers only my mother and an older sister claim it to still be true. One sister has recieved the HG and another one claims everything OP teach is true. So pray, I'm working on her to come to chruch now.
If you knew the doctrine and not the people, you would know why I say they are close to a cult and a little brainwashed. What a Mormon tells you is not what the Book of Mormon, D & C, or Pearl of Great Price says. I know this from experience not assumption.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
The people are wonderful. The reason I say a little brainwashed is, they are so helpful in all they do, I believe they must be brainwashed to believe some of the stuff that is being taught to them. It's their teachings that make them wolves in sheep clothing.
cult---1 Adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices
2 An interest followed with exaggerated zeal
3 A system of religious beliefs and rituals
As someone from the inside I could tell you some practices and rituals they do. However, if you were to ask them they would try to give you all kinds of reasons why out of the books they teach from, yet nowhere is it found in the Bible.
I just pray really hard for them.