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Old 03-18-2008, 09:55 AM
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Re: Sisters...

My sister and I fought all of our lives, growing up. We were very different, in almost every way. She is older by two years, and we always had to share a bedroom. We could not wait to be apart!

When we finally left for college, we decided that we actually liked each other and today we're very close. We've seen each other through lots of hard trials and great victories. She's my good friend!
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Old 03-18-2008, 10:09 AM
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Re: Sisters...

I have two sisters and no brothers. Growing up in our house was like living in a sorority house (really, really fun with a good helping of arguing and cattiness thrown in). My sisters are my absolute best friends. We all still live in the same town, and I can't imagine how I would live without them.

I'm the oldest and have this ridiculous need to impress and not let anyone down. I tend to be the more bookish one. I'm also the one to step in if a situation needs to be resolved. My middle sister loves being in the spotlight. She is very outgoing and was the flirt out of the three of us. She is also very insistent that things be her way. My baby sister always seemed content to just sort of go along with whatever we were doing. She is the quietest one, and when she was left at home after we both got married, she didn't really know what to do with herself. She's the one we have to check up on, because she usually won't speak up for herself.

From what I've read we tend to be textbook when it comes to birth order. I also have to say that I LOVED growing up in a house with just girls. Mom and Dad expected us to excel in ALL subjects, not just ones that girls would be better in. We were also expected to do things that boys would usually do (mow the yard, play sports, know how to change a tire, etc.) as well as the "girly" things (clean house, help in the kitchen, etc.). I think it made us all very well-rounded.

Oh, FTR we were born in 1978, 1981, and 1984.

Last edited by rapunzelgirl; 03-18-2008 at 10:10 AM. Reason: Age difference
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Old 03-18-2008, 10:41 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
My sister and I fought all of our lives, growing up. We were very different, in almost every way. She is older by two years, and we always had to share a bedroom. We could not wait to be apart!

When we finally left for college, we decided that we actually liked each other and today we're very close. We've seen each other through lots of hard trials and great victories. She's my good friend!
This is wonderful Sherri...wonderful that through the differneces you found your common bond.

This is great...
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Old 03-18-2008, 10:44 AM
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by rapunzelgirl View Post
I have two sisters and no brothers. Growing up in our house was like living in a sorority house (really, really fun with a good helping of arguing and cattiness thrown in). My sisters are my absolute best friends. We all still live in the same town, and I can't imagine how I would live without them.

I'm the oldest and have this ridiculous need to impress and not let anyone down. I tend to be the more bookish one. I'm also the one to step in if a situation needs to be resolved. My middle sister loves being in the spotlight. She is very outgoing and was the flirt out of the three of us. She is also very insistent that things be her way. My baby sister always seemed content to just sort of go along with whatever we were doing. She is the quietest one, and when she was left at home after we both got married, she didn't really know what to do with herself. She's the one we have to check up on, because she usually won't speak up for herself.

From what I've read we tend to be textbook when it comes to birth order. I also have to say that I LOVED growing up in a house with just girls. Mom and Dad expected us to excel in ALL subjects, not just ones that girls would be better in. We were also expected to do things that boys would usually do (mow the yard, play sports, know how to change a tire, etc.) as well as the "girly" things (clean house, help in the kitchen, etc.). I think it made us all very well-rounded.

Oh, FTR we were born in 1978, 1981, and 1984.
How neat for you...I just can't imagine it...
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Old 03-18-2008, 11:17 AM
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Re: Sisters...

I have 1 brother and 1 sister. My brother and I are 3 years apart but there are 16 years between my sister and I. We were not close growing up since she was more like a mother figure, even though I have a wonderful Mom! But in the last 5 years we have become very close. We have a lot more in common now. She lived in Tn and we were never really close. When I got married I was excited because I was only going to be living 2 hours away from here. At my wedding, she fell in love with a lifetime friend of the family and she stayed in Florida and I went to Tn!

We have this crazy thing between us now that whenever we see eachother or are sending eachother mail, we give eachother a gift......... A pair of socks! It sounds silly but she laughs at my socks because they are usually bright and very colorful. She is a black and white, blue and gray person.... So one day I bought her a pair of really funky colored socks with the toes in them! She got a kick out of it... It sounds a little silly but when it comes to sisters, silly things like that are very special!

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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Old 03-18-2008, 11:56 AM
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
I have 1 brother and 1 sister. My brother and I are 3 years apart but there are 16 years between my sister and I. We were not close growing up since she was more like a mother figure, even though I have a wonderful Mom! But in the last 5 years we have become very close. We have a lot more in common now. She lived in Tn and we were never really close. When I got married I was excited because I was only going to be living 2 hours away from here. At my wedding, she fell in love with a lifetime friend of the family and she stayed in Florida and I went to Tn!

We have this crazy thing between us now that whenever we see eachother or are sending eachother mail, we give eachother a gift......... A pair of socks! It sounds silly but she laughs at my socks because they are usually bright and very colorful. She is a black and white, blue and gray person.... So one day I bought her a pair of really funky colored socks with the toes in them! She got a kick out of it... It sounds a little silly but when it comes to sisters, silly things like that are very special!
I envy you...
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Old 03-18-2008, 02:42 PM
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Re: Sisters...

I have one sister and one brother. Both are younger.

My sister and I are only a year a part and have always been very different people. We fought so much when we lived at home. She was my mother's ideal daughter. Everything I was not...lol

We were never real close until she got pregnant. We were due a day apart--I with my 3rd--and her first. After that it was like she "got" me and why my priorities were so different than hers. We have grown to become the very best of friends. This summer when I went through the biggest trial of my life she is the one I called and cried to. She never judged me or my situation.

I am so thankful that we are friends.
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Old 03-18-2008, 04:00 PM
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Re: Sisters...

I have one sister, she is 9 years younger than I am, and waaayyyyyy smarter. She was the honors student, class salutatorian, while I..... Well, there just really isn't any need to go there.

She was raised by entirely different people than I was, I was the test subject, my parents had worked out all the kinks by the time they got to her.

We were not at all close growing up, mainly because by the time she got old enough for me to consider her anything but a baby, I was married.

We have always been at different stages in life, case in point, she had her first child 2 years ago at age 29, my only child is 20 years old.

But, all that being said, now that we are adults, she is one of my best friends, only outranked by my daughter in that category!
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Old 03-18-2008, 04:02 PM
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by He's My Friend View Post
I have one sister, (no brothers) and she is about 2 yrs older.

We have always been close, but we may not have always "liked" each other,
we loved each other.

My sister is the oldest, and she is very quiet.
She is very talented, and loves to sing. (Many have compared her voice to
Sis Vestal Goodman).

I will never forget, (17 yrs ago) when I went through a terrible situation, and I would not tell my family.
My sister came to stay the weekend with me.
We were having dinner together, and I sat and cried through the entire meal.
She asked what was wrong, and I told her nothing......(I was close to having a complete breakdown in front of her), she said, "I know what's wrong, God gave me a dream about you, and I saw what happened, you don't need to tell me."

I am more independent than my sister, and more outgoing. (not saying that is good or bad).

We help each other, and we count on each other.

She is the best friend I have
, other than my husband.
This is the way I feel about my sister Lyn... she is almost 12 years older and is my best friend. We are very close. We talk to each other every day and she is auntie/grandma to my girls. I have always said she was my dad in a skirt...she is so much like him. lol I love her... wouldn't take anything for that friendship.
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Old 03-18-2008, 04:08 PM
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Re: Sisters...

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
I have one sister, she is 9 years younger than I am, and waaayyyyyy smarter. She was the honors student, class salutatorian, while I..... Well, there just really isn't any need to go there.

She was raised by entirely different people than I was, I was the test subject, my parents had worked out all the kinks by the time they got to her.

We were not at all close growing up, mainly because by the time she got old enough for me to consider her anything but a baby, I was married.

We have always been at different stages in life, case in point, she had her first child 2 years ago at age 29, my only child is 20 years old.

But, all that being said, now that we are adults, she is one of my best friends, only outranked by my daughter in that category!
I understand the age difference thing... my oldest sister was 16 when I was born and she married at 18 or so... and my mom had my brother and my sister had her only daughter just 18 months or so apart.

I was just never close with her..but she claims to have a bond w/me as a baby...and I can see that, but I don't remember it.
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