Originally Posted by RandyWayne
I don't know if we all consider Acts 2:38 as a "foundation" to our religion. As an example, OUR church baptizes in Jesus name by immersion yet we don't consider ourself an " Acts 2:38 Church". In fact, we consider it a very MINOR part of the Christian life.
Does the human species center their entire existence around "cutting the umbilical cord" or the "crowning" of the head during birth? How much MORE important is college and marriage then some action that took mere seconds? The entire epistles are centered around the importance of love, selflessness, and forgiveness. Yet those are the FIRST things that are ignored in the endless quest and fight for HOLINESS STANDARDS, and the all important " Acts 2:38!!!" experience.
I am actually in agreement with you to a degree. Water baptism is, as the writer of Hebrews points out, but one of the "principles of the doctrines of Christ". While I wouldn't consider it a "minor" principle, it is, nonetheless, but one of those principles. It has been, at least in the view of the majority, the very cornerstone of the Apostolic Faith. And while that may be true, it isn't the cornerstone of the Christian Faith. Jesus stands, not only as the Cornerstone upon which His Church is built, but as the very Head of the Church of Jesus Christ. He should always be the very central mesaage of the Apostolic Movement. Not a doctrine about Him, but HE must always be our central message.
When I speak of foundation, I mean it in the sense that this is the doctrine that gives this Forum its common ground. We vary on many things, but
Acts 2:38 is our common experience. I agree that its has been "pedastalized" above love, selflessness and forgiveness. I agree that those aspects of God you mentioned comprise the message we should be taking to the world. No one is saved by standards, and
Acts 2:38. In my view, these are "internal messages" to establish new born Christians. Jesus and His attributes that you listed, is the saving message to the lost. That message of repentance brings sinners to the altars. Holiness standards, however we veiw them, have become "litmus" tests to determine ones spirituality. This is unfortunate. For, as we have seen time and time again, standards are raised or lowered based on who's speaking at the time. The same can be said for "doctrines". Fellowship is often based on the level of ones standards or doctrine. It should not be so. Our fellowship should be based on one thing:
Act 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
The fellowship I extend to my brother isn't necessarily based on his standards or even on his doctrine. I acknowledge a person as a brother and sister in the Lord when I percieve by their "stedfastness" (boldness) in Christ "...that they had been with Jesus". It is by their testimony they overcome, and it is by their testimony that I can tell they are in Christ. That, and that alone, tells me they are following Christ. Their label, whether it be Con or Lib, Apostolic or Pentecostal, not even Trinitarian or Oneness means nothing. It is the word of their testimony that determines that they have been with Jesus.