Originally Posted by OneAccord
If I could have been there, Sister, I would have been backing you with some hearty, Amens. I agree with you on this, and share the spirit you and Bro. Alvear have. Its nothing to quibble over and wouldn't allow it to cause a division with a brother, but I gotta say, Amen, Sister!
For the life of me I cannot understand why brothers become bitter enemies over this fact and many other things...I guess it is strong personalities and everyone wanting to be the leader of some group or something...
I always explain the many thoughts along this line to our people and tell them they are free to believe however they would feel but this is the way I feel...
I sure do not have the answer to all the questions that come up for it is a future happening as most of us see it...
Like I told the kids last night...far beyond and far more important than understanding prophecy is BEING a christian...having the spirit, the heart and the attitude of a christian...
1 Cor. 13...
Love you folks...