Originally Posted by John Atkinson
My kid came home today and told me the rumours that are spreading about her in her high school. That she is a slut, that she is easy, that she is a whore.
I am not some weenie on the internet. I am a big strong man and I want to hurt someone. don't know the christian rection when someone touches my kid.
My 14 year old son got a girl to come to church and she got saved last year. She came from a broken home, but she was as cute as a button and really sweet. We later found out that she was a bit of a drama queen, and kept my son on an emotional roller coaster. We also found out that when she was a kid she was held back a year so that she was actually a year and a half older than him. After going to a gathering of kids and watching her flirt with every boy in the place, our son came home and per our counsel, broke up with her. We made him commit to us he would not date a girl again for about two to three years. He agreed and broke up with her
In retaliation she started a rumor at school that he was gay. A couple of boys who were jealous of him and this girl (who is considered the prettiest girl in school) began to jump on the rumor and taunted him with it. He was broken hearted. He cried and felt like he had no friends. He is the only boy his age at our church. We talked and prayed him through it.
Our main point to him was that this was the devil's way of discouraging him from doing what was good and right. We told him that if the devil could make him feel ashamed for being a good boy and staying pure and clean from the sins that his peers were engaging in to the point where he would try to prove he was not gay or that he was one of them, then he would fall for the trick laid before him.
Several weeks have passed and so did the rumor. Eventually some of the kids involved in the rumor apologized. My son is fine and was involved in a fantastic skit the youth did Sunday night. We had over 150 in service with the altars filled with repenting teenagers. One of the kids on their knees weeping? The girl who started the rumor.
God prevails! The righteous will be vindicated! Your daughter will overcome while learning a valuable lesson about the spirit of the world and the pressure for acceptance.