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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-30-2008, 07:23 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
Would you go if afforded the oppurtunity?
I'd want to find out what it is about, and talk to some folks who had been there.

My first impulse is probably not, since it is based on a Hollywood theme and would more than likely not be all that interesting to me and mine.

I have taken my kids to things like Frontier City and Worlds of Fun.
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Old 01-30-2008, 07:57 AM
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
If you don't know the difference between Silver Dollar City and things which are unwholesome and ungodly, I doubt if an explanation on an internet forum could enlighten you.

Sorry, CS, that's not a sufficient answer. Both locations have "worldly entertainment" according to the Tulsa crowd. It is clearly inconsistent with their words. But, of course, that has never stopped them before...

They have always been much more efficient at judging others than themselves... Maybe they've anointed Branson with oil, or something like that...and purified the surrounding geography...no doubt, that's it...

but you are consistent...ever the loyal apologist...

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Old 01-30-2008, 07:58 AM
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
I'd want to find out what it is about, and talk to some folks who had been there.

My first impulse is probably not, since it is based on a Hollywood theme and would more than likely not be all that interesting to me and mine.

I have taken my kids to things like Frontier City and Worlds of Fun.
Well, that's comforting...no Hollywood themes in Branson??!!???

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Old 01-30-2008, 08:09 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by RevBuddy View Post
Sorry, CS, that's not a sufficient answer. Both locations have "worldly entertainment" according to the Tulsa crowd. It is clearly inconsistent with their words. But, of course, that has never stopped them before...

They have always been much more efficient at judging others than themselves... Maybe they've anointed Branson with oil, or something like that...and purified the surrounding geography...no doubt, that's it...

but you are consistent...ever the loyal apologist...

Recreation is an area where exact lines are very difficult to draw.

This is an ideal place for the principle of liberty to be applied.

These nit picky little criticisms--attempting to define terms and generalities in a document like the AoF, and then lambast men based on that definition, are easy enough to see through.

This is a game, and it is easy to see through.

Here is how it works--find some supposed inconsistency in a man's stance, and use it to criticize him, and justify whatever the critic wants to justify in his own life.

Of course, to do this, you have to take the term "worldly entertainment"and define it in a certain way, ignoring the fact that there is room for every pastor and individual to make choices about how that principle is defined and applied in their own flock or life.

There are some things spelled out very clearly in the Scripture--other things are covered by principle.

This Branson business is a very obvious petty attempt to find fault and nitpick.
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Old 01-30-2008, 08:12 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by RevBuddy View Post
Well, that's comforting...no Hollywood themes in Branson??!!???

You can't walk down the street without being exposed to Hollywood themes, but of course you know that.

I simply meant that we would probably not be as interested in a place that was built solely around a Hollywood concept, like Disney. All those characters and attractions built around themes from their movies would probably not appeal as strongly to my kids as it would to kids who had more familiarity with it.

You guys are really reaching today.
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Old 01-30-2008, 08:16 AM
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
Recreation is an area where exact lines are very difficult to draw.

This is an ideal place for the principle of liberty to be applied.

These nit picky little criticisms--attempting to define terms and generalities in a document like the AoF, and then lambast men based on that definition, are easy enough to see through.

This is a game, and it is easy to see through.

Here is how it works--find some supposed inconsistency in a man's stance, and use it to criticize him, and justify whatever the critic wants to justify in his own life.

Of course, to do this, you have to take the term "worldly entertainment"and define it in a certain way, ignoring the fact that there is room for every pastor and individual to make choices about how that principle is defined and applied in their own flock or life.

There are some things spelled out very clearly in the Scripture--other things are covered by principle.

This Branson business is a very obvious petty attempt to find fault and nitpick.
No one is lambasting anyone...just pointing out inconsistencies...and, in fact, your explanations keep changing, too. It really is hard to be so pious and perfect...being the only ones maintaining the TRUE holiness standard...

sorry, if legitimate questions bother you so much... "Have thread, will post!"

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Old 01-30-2008, 08:19 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by RevBuddy View Post
No one is lambasting anyone...just pointing out inconsistencies...and, in fact, your explanations keep changing, too. It really is hard to be so pious and perfect...being the only ones maintaining the TRUE holiness standard...

sorry, if legitimate questions bother you so much... "Have thread, will post!"

My explanations keep changing?

Please explain how.

Furthermore, I make no claims of being pious nor perfect. Nor have I ever said or intimated that I, or any group, was the only ones maintaining some TRUE holiness standard.

I challenge you to find evidence to support either of these baseless accusations.

More hyperbole.
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Old 01-30-2008, 08:23 AM
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
You can't walk down the street without being exposed to Hollywood themes, but of course you know that.

I simply meant that we would probably not be as interested in a place that was built solely around a Hollywood concept, like Disney. All those characters and attractions built around themes from their movies would probably not appeal as strongly to my kids as it would to kids who had more familiarity with it.

You guys are really reaching today.
I'm only 5' 6''...I can't reach very far...

"You can't walk down the street without being exposed to Hollywood themes, but of course you know that." You got that right...and that's the point...will we eventually be told to go to run to the deserts or caves...and begin a Neo-Essene existence?

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Old 01-30-2008, 08:27 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by RevBuddy View Post
I'm only 5' 6''...I can't reach very far...

"You can't walk down the street without being exposed to Hollywood themes, but of course you know that." You got that right...and that's the point...will we eventually be told to go to run to the deserts or caves...and begin a Neo-Essene existence?

More extreme polarizing rhetoric.

More hyperbole.

I think I am going to just let you have fun by yourself a while.

You can tell folks you won this one, Rev.
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Old 01-30-2008, 08:33 AM
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Re: "Holiness" From the WPF Articles of Faith...

Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
More extreme polarizing rhetoric.

More hyperbole.

I think I am going to just let you have fun by yourself a while.

You can tell folks you won this one, Rev.

Ok...but what "folks" do you suggest I tell? If you take your ball and go home (for now), we'll have to buy another ball...

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