Originally Posted by LadyChocolate
I don't usually listen to secular music but I happen to have my wedding songs on my rhapsody playlist... It brought back many wonderful memories....
Sooo, I was wondering what songs y'all had in your wedding.
1. The Power of Love
2. Here and Now
3. Up Where We Belong
I didn't even think to ask my pastor about his thoughts on my song selection and I might not have chosen all secular songs if I had it to do over again. But, those were the songs we chose. When I hear them, I can feel every part of the day all over again! All the tears, laughter, and joy that was shared that day! I think I was the only one NOT to cry at my wedding... LordChocolate cried like a baby! LOL
What were your songs? Christian love songs or secular?
We had a mixture of both.
Flesh of my Flesh (Unity Candle)
Love Lift Us Up Where We belong
We Are Standing on Holy Ground (Mom's walked in)
Bless God for All He's Done (Kneeling at the alter, the Holy Ghost was very powerful during this time. We both ended up speaking in tongues. Neither my husband's or my mother is in church. My mom said she never felt the power of God so strong as at our wedding.)
We left the sanctuary to Power of Love.
Hmmmm.....we must have been married around the same time. June 4, 1988.